
Choosing fish for a aquarium?

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hi, i got 4 platys for my 60 litre tropical aquarium and i kind a want a corydora or two. is there room? and what fish could you recommend for a 60 litre tank, oh and lastly is there a reasonably small fish that is happy as only one of their kind in a tank ?





  1. you could have 8 corydoras in a 60 liter tank

  2. You can comfortably fit four of the dwarf cory in 12 UK gallon. Nanus is another small type suitable.

    There's a good chance platys will fin nip a Siamese fighter. Smaller fish find safety in numbers keeps them alive in the wild, so they tend to like their own company. You could try a pair of dwarf gourami if the look suits you.

    You have a lot of choices that could go in your tank, the main thing is don't overstock and consider the full grown size not the baby the shop wants to sell you.

    Clown loaches are fresh water tropical, but they can reach 14" and need to be in a shoal of at least three in a tank over 40 UK gallon :0)

    Edit: Never listen to the salesman in a fish store. They don't re-order till they have sold out, especially big stores like pets at home :0)

    If you want Panda,there's nearly 2000 sitting in tanks just outside Newcastle. Go to your local small dealer, their supplier deals with small numbers of fish to lots of small outlets. Pets at home order in bulk from Eastern Europe for just their own shops.

    All it takes is one phone call to the supplier, they will order 200 from Newcastle, sell the little shop 12 and you will go in on delivery day and collect 4. That's how it works :0)

  3. Honestly it depends.   Cories work best in groups of 5-6.  And remember they're bottom dwelling.   Bettas are a good choice with Cories, since they don't take much room only need one of them and are top dwellers. So they don't interfere with each other.

    I would suggest a bunch of Neon Tetras and Cories to clean up food that hit the bottom.  

  4. clown fish.  

  5. 60 litres is big enough for more fish. 60 litres=15 gallons (about.) The general rule of thumb is a inch of fish per gallon, and since platies are each 1.5 inches, and you have four of them, then you have used up 6 inches so you still have 9 inches of room left. Also, cories (corydroa catfish) prefer to be in groups of 2-3. They are usually 2 inches, so if you got three you would only have 3 inches of fish left (but you do not need to stick to the rule exactly, you can go a little overboard but not too much otherwise ammonia and nitrate levels may rise, thus killing your fish.) Fish that go well with mollies, are pretty much all tetras, rasboras, and danios, and also guppies, mollies, swordtails, variatus, dojo loaches, and hillstream loaches. If you want to get fish that are not in these categories, then email me (at and I'll tell you if they can go with your platies in a 60 litre aquarium. I would probably not buy tetras or rasboras, because they prefer to be in  groups of 4 or more. All the other fish are okay on their own. For the guppies, mollies, swordtails, and variatus, they mate really fast (they're livebearers) so don't get a male and a female and don't even get a female because she may already be pregnant, so get only males. They would be happy enough on their own, but might be better off with at least one other of their own kind. Loaches can go on their own. Stay away from all goldfish, cichlids, angels, silver dollars, freshwater sharks, and other semi-aggressive fish. Good luck!  

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