
Choosing the right heavy bag for my size...?

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I'm a 5'3 110-lb almost 17-year old girl that would like to challenge herself with boxing. I had a shoulder injury in a stunt about a year and a half ago, and although my surgery was just two weeks ago to fix my labral tear, I'm hoping to be back in action in about another month. I do a lot of running during the summer, work a lot with my horses, and cheer, so a lot of upper body strength, plus endurance from the running makes me want to try something new. I've wanted to box for probably 4 yrs now, but with my injury my pectorals have been outweighing my deltoids, and I haven't been able to do any strengthening in the front. I've had cousins that box that are willing to help me out, I just need to know how big of a bag to work with, once the doc gives me the OK, of course. Thanks!




  1. Start off light, maybe a 40lb bag for a couple of weeks.  Then you can increase your heavy bag weight.  But most importantly use proper technique.  The heavy bag is a great trainer!  Here's a site that is a good read.  Have fun and good luck!

  2. A 50 or 60 lb heavy bag would be fine for you.

  3. you should just get a regular size heavy bag which can be anywhere from 100 to 150 pounds. no point waisting you time with a kids bag like everyone else is suggesting. the specific one you get depends on how much you want to spend on it.

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