
Chopstick superstitions?

by Guest58441  |  earlier

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I heard that putting the chopstick in your food (like stabbing it) is bad luck, has something to do with offending the dead? Can anyone elaborate?




  1. It a form of disrespect. .

    because as you can see when the chinese are doing their offering, they stick a josstick, a burning incense on a bowl of ash. So sticking your chopstick to the rice are some sort represent the offering to the dead. .

  2. Chopsticks are not used to make noise, to draw attention, or to gesticulate. Playing with chopsticks is considered bad mannered and vulgar (just as playing with cutlery in a Western environment would be deemed crass).

    Chopsticks are not used to move bowls or plates.

    Chopsticks are not used to toy with one's food or with dishes in common.

    Chopsticks are not used to pierce food, save in rare instances.

    Chopsticks should not be left standing vertically in a bowl of rice or other food. Any stick-like object pointed upward resembles the incense sticks that some Asians use as offerings to deceased family members; certain funerary rites designate offerings of food to the dead using standing chopsticks.

  3. That is a very stupid superstition.

  4. It is considered bad manners but has nothing to do with death.

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