
Chopsticks versis forks?

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I need help. we have a debate and I have chopsticks vs forks. I am the chopstick side. I need good points for forks and bad for chopsticks




  1. chopsticks

    rice is hard to eat, eating the little grains.

    it's impracitcal, hard to use, you get judged on with your manners on how to use them


    twirl pasta

    peirce things

    poke things while cutting with your knife

  2. Chopsticks are less efficient and require more precision.  A fork is capable of operating independently while a chop sticks requires pairs.  Fork provides quick and easy method of eating.

  3. im asian lol and i like forks better?!

    just because im only holding one thing!/

    and i can scoop things and stab it lol!?

    and twirl wirl my food with no problems?!

    rather then chopsticks you hvae to kno ur techniques?!

    then ull b fine?!

    so if you dont?! stick to forks cuz thur jus easier to understand!@

  4. Id have to say chopsticks without a doubt.

    with chopsticks you can practically pick up anything with them,without a mess and neatly. chopsticks are easier and quiker for me to use while eating, also they are more agile. I hate using stuborn forks, there to slow. with chopsticks I can pick up many side dishes , mix and stuff in my mouth with ease. Forks break your food because you have to stab it.Im also able to eat cereal with chopsticks, pick up, wipe bowl clean, organize and quikly. Forks are for babys. Once you get the hang of chopsticks, there purty much easier and quiker to do things with. also western eating and asian eating is different. western foods tend to be in big chunks, like steaks,a whole chicken ,bread and butter, but asian food tend to be more into small peices like strips of meat,sushi ,rice,and many side dishes ,so there meals dont need a knife or fork.

  5. forks are easier than chop sticks

  6. In the majority of points that I can think of, the "good points" for a fork apply to cultural preferences. If you grew up in a culture where only chop sticks were available, the opposite beliefs of "good" might very well be thought.

    I can't think of any good benefit associated with a fork that couldn't be countered by someone comfortable using a pair of chopsticks.

  7. for me I prefer the fork. One less thing to wash..:)

  8. forks can be a lot cleaner being made from steel

  9. Forks are easier to hold.  It is very difficult to hold chopsticks correctly. They are sharper than chopsticks.  You can use forks to cut stuffs (even better with a knife).  It has at least 3 spikes whereas chopsticks are two sticks.  Most food require a forks... chopsticks are used mostly for Chinese and Japanese, whereas forks are more global??  You can stab someone with a fork..  (for self defense obviously..) Chopsticks are rather blunt... If you lose a chopstick.. you can't use it anymore, because it comes in pair... whereas forks.. come in one...

    ummm... running out of ideas hehe

    PS: Your debate is very interesting..

    Good luck :)

  10. Forks - brought up using them and it is easier. Different upbringing, different opinion.

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