
Chores for a 7 year old boy?

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What are some average chores for a 7 year old boy. ? or at what age should kids start doing chores?




  1. Help with dishes.  Trash.  Feed the animals.  Clean up the yard.  Help keep the bathroom that he uses clean.  Sweep the floor.

    Kids should start doing chores as soon as they can.  Small things when they're littler and just scale it up with age.  Instill a sense of responsibility as young as you can.

    As soon as my three year old started to show that he loved to be a "good helper" I had him put a scoop of food in the dog bowl each day and pick up his clothes at bedtime.  Oh and hold the dust pan when I swept.  That one got messy but it's really just so he FELT helpful.

  2. Well, kids that age could do a lot of things but they shouldn't have a whole bunch of chores. They can (and it depends if the child is responsible enough):

    Clean their room.

    Take out the trash.

    Wash dishes

    Feed the pet and take them on walks if applicable.

    Make up their bed.


    Put up their clean clothes and fold (depends on the responsibility of the child).

    Dusting the furniture.

    Just don't give him too much work. He is still a kid.

  3. I think he should have already had some, but my son is six and his chores are to keep his room clean and take out the garbage.  My daughter is seven and her chores are to let the dogs out and empty the dishwasher.

  4. As early as you can get them to. He should learn to make one mess at a time, after he is done playing with one set of toys they must be put away before another can be taken out. He can help put away his clean laundry, dust, make his own bed, sweep small areas, help you wiith things you are doing. It really helps to start them off assisting you with things. That way they dont feel like they are doing chores as a punishement, then move them on to doing their own after a while.

  5. My son who just turned 8 does the following chores:

    He makes pizza on Friday nights (my wife or I do the oven part but he rolls out the dough and 'decorates' it).  He makes great pizza.

    He runs out to the garage to fetch me a beer whenever I need one.

    He and his brother take turns setting or clearing the table after dinner.  They have only ever broken one bowl.

    He turns on the coffee in the morning and brings my wife a cup.  He makes breakfast (cereal, toast, juice) for himself and his siblings. Nothing on the stove... only the toaster (like frozen waffles,  etc.)

    He goes out and gets the newspaper in the morning from the driveway.

    He makes his own bed and puts his clothes away when they come out of the dryer.

    I think that is about it... other than homework and picking up his toys.  We pay him about $3 to $5 per week for all this depending on how clean his room is, etc.  We did not introduce all of these at once... he has been doing many for years.  He also 'likes' them. Makes him feel grown up and important in many ways, especially fetching my beers.

  6. I have a six year old boy and he does the following if this helps.  He puts up his back pack after school, puts shoes where they belong, feeds the dog, makes his beds, picks ups his clothes and puts them in the dirty clothes basket, helps load the washer and dryer with his clothes, and pulls bed spread over his pillows.  I try not to make a big deal if he missed one because he has a lot of home work.  Good luck you'll know what your son can do. Just  start out with a few. God Bless! Holiday

  7. my step son is responsible for the dishes, taking out the trash, and keeping his room in order ( I had cleaned it out and cleaned it up, now it is his job to keep it from getting messy again)...he does well with them. He hates doing the dishes, but he doesn't do much else and I think it's important to share the household chores....but I also think that doing the dishes teaches him that even tho all jobs arn't fun they have to be done, and his little (4 year old) brother helps him...these jobs arn't hard for him at all

  8. any age   make bed clean room help around the house safe things for him to do of course

  9. -Make the bed

    -Wipe out the sink after he brushes his teeth.

    -Feed the pet/let the dog out.

    -Help take out trash

    -Set the dinner table

    -Help put the laundry in the dryer.

    This is what my 7 yr old boy does. He actually likes it and volunteers most of the time....

  10. Taking out the trash

    Cleaning up the yard

    Feeding a pet

    Helping out mom/dad

    Getting all of the household laundry together


  11. I have an 8yr old, and he started doing chores when he was 6.

    feeding pets

    hoover his bedroom

    tidy his bedroom

    take out the rubbish and recycling

    set the table for dinner

    Hope that helps!

  12. Washing dishes, taking out trash, raking the yard, cleaning the restroom, moping floors, dusting, making their beds. I have 6 sons and 6 daughters and they had to learn all of this when they turned about six and a half. They showed interest, especially in washing dishes and cooking with me. They are all teenagers and adults that can cook and clean. They are self sufficient and don't have to depend on others to provide basic life necessities for themselves.

    I can go out of town with my husband and they can plan  what they need without coming back to a house in disrepair or worry if they will be able to feed themselves. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That means to prepare them early. Pace him in what you know he can do and give more as he matures.

  13. as soon as they can walk, give them easssy chores just to teach them.. For a seven year old, cleaning up after dinner, sweeping, dustin, picking up after himself, easy things =)

  14. Ah, this is a tough question. It is all in the kid's maturity and responsibility.

  15. take out trash, sweep floor, clean room

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