
Chores for grade-schoolers?

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I have a 10 yr. old girl and an 8 yr. old boy who need some chores. We live in a small apartment so there's no yard work to do or anything outside for that matter. What kinds of things do your children do to help out?




  1. 1- Empty trash from every room

    2- Clean toilets and Bath tub

    3- Mop floors

    4- Vacuum Floors

    5- Dust

    6- Clean the Windows

    7- Dishes every night

    I always do these things on the weekend before anything else gets done-

    Weekdays are for Homework and Family time!

  2. Vacumning, dusting, clearing the table, emptying the dish-washer, making their beds, folding laundry, emptying the garbage, keeping their rooms neat, hope this is helpful.

  3. I made a chart for my 7yr old boy and 6 yr old girl. They both have the same chores. Put dirty dishes away when through eating, clean their room, use good manner(like saying please, thank you and so forth), and brushing teeth. I know to some people the last two are not really chores. But if I list the using good manners as a chore it will help them and remind them to always be polite it has helped. Brushing their teeth is a chore for me, I had a hard time just getting them to brush once a day. Each chore is worth .25 and if they do all of them they will earn a 1.00 for that day. It has helped alot . I will probably change it up a bit next month. But here are some other chores for you. Cleaning mirrors, sweeping floors, helping with the meals, planning out meals for the week, taking the trash out,cleaning their room, cleaning out your vehicle, especially if they get it dirty,washing dishes, washing clothes, drying the clothes, then putting them away, folding towels,clean ceiling fan if you have one, it can get really dirty,. Someone showed me a trick on how to clean a ceiling fan without getting it on the floor. Get an old towel, wrap around fan and pull back, now you have a clean fan, and just throw the towel in the wash, after you shake some of the dust off in the trash.

  4. use positive reinforcement make it fun, turn on the radio and dance to the music as you do the dishes, and include them in everything you do, dont make it look like work make it look like fun! Hope i helped!!

  5. Sort laundry

    Empty diswasher

    Wash/dry dishes

    Fold clothes & put up

    Vacuum (not well, but my son likes doing it)


    Put groceries away

    Water plants/dogs, etc.

    Help with food prep.

    Clean out fridge.

    Wipe down counters/bathroom with Clorox wipes

    Wash windows (again, probably not well at first)

    Clean mini-blinds


  6. 1. clean the bathroom -

    2. make bed -

    3. wash dishes -

    4. do laundry  -

    5. sweep the floor or vacuum -

    6. dust -

    7. put groceries away-  

    8. clean fridge -

    9. fold clothes -  

    10. clean table after meals-

    11. water plants -

    12. empty garbage -

    13. clean their rooms

    14. empty dish washer

    You should add music or something fun to these activity like a race. Then whoever win 10 times in a row gets a cookie or prize.

  7. A few suggestions, since I've never actually done chores before.

    1. Fold clothes

    2. Get them out of the dryer

    3. Get them into the washer

    4. Wash big dishes, but not forks/knives/spoons/small utensils

    5. Empty their trash from their rooms into appropriate bags

    6. If you have plants, tell them to take care of them (ex. water them)

    7. Dust big, not-as-easily-broken things (ex. the tables/chairs)

    8. Cleaning (ex. wiping tables/chairs)

    9. If you have a family pet, have them clean the surroundings. (ex. cat's litterbox, fish tank, etc)

    10. Sweep floors (don't try mopping, since it's wet and children do get water everywhere)

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