
Choseing the right Pet Lizard?

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Hey. Iv never owned a Lizard before but have wanted one for ages. Anybody help me on which one to get?

I need a small one, one that doesnt require a huge tank.

Does anyone know if theres a type of lizard out there that doesnt need to be fed live animals to live a healthly life?

Hate to sound pathetic; but if i had to feed it live crickets or spiders everyday id just feel really guilty and sorry for them.

If you have a lizard in mind, do you know the start up costs?

Thanks everyone




  1. It is not pathetic at all to value even the smallest life, it is a wonderful strength!

    All small lizards I know of eat bugs.  If you are willing to go bigger, then green iguanas are strict herbivores and eat only fruits & vegetables, but they are definitely not beginner reptiles.  If you decide to get one, do your homework:

    Startup costs can be a little steep but you can cut them down depending on how resourceful you are.

  2. A bearded dragon would *NOT* be one for you.  A single beardie needs a 40 gallon "breeder" tank that is about 36"x18"x16" and takes up a bit of room.  They also need to eat a very large amount of crickets twice a day when they are young.

    You'll have a hard time finding a lizard that is completely veggitarian as most of them need live food at least occasionally (the canned crickets and worms are disgusting and most critters won't go after them since they don't move).  I used to feel sorry for the crickets when I first started to keep animals that ate them but after a little while that changed.  Now I hate crickets and love to see them eaten by my pets although it is a little disturbing to hear a large cricket go crunch while it's still moving (my beardie is the first pet I've had that actually chews its food).

  3. Why the h**l are you wasting your time with Lizards!?.

    There's a lot better stuff to do out there.

    You could,i dunno,phone your mates and go out?

    get a girlfriend (lol) or something?.

  4. Crested geckos are small and can eat pre-packaged meals (no bugs), but they need a substantial amount of space to climb and so forth. I think you should google it and look up caresheets.

  5. I have had my leopard gecko for 10 years. they make great pets: dont require alot of attention, very docile, average about 6in. in size, they do eat crickets, but most geckos DO eat insects. I highly recommend this lizard for a first time reptile owner. If you buy one as a baby, they cost about $20 and can be kept in a 10 gallon tank for a while. make sure the lightbulb wattage is under 60 because it could damage their eyes otherwise. Everything you need you can probally get for a reasonable price. I know the petsmart near me has leopard geckos and all of the supplies. There are a number of websites with info on leopard geckos as well. Hope this helps you.

  6. i think most lizards eat bugs! although you can get snakes that only eat fruit! I wont get a lizard either as much as i would love one because i couldn't bring myself to feed it crickets and stuff!  

    One of my boyfriends friends has lizards and they are very small i think they are bearded dragons?! I'm pretty sure that's what they are and he also has a few snakes and a boxer dog! as you can tell he loves animals!

    It would cost quite a bit to set it all up as you would need the right lights etc and PLEASE don't get a small tank, they need room just like we do, i hate to see animals put in a tank that's too small for them it is just cruel, its bad enough taking them out of their natural habitat without sticking it in a tiny little tank as well!

    good luck finding your lizard!

  7. first and foremost, do your homework.

    for all a lot of lizards look similar, they will most likely be from different areas of the globe and require different set-ups.

    agree with other answers, 'beardies' are good, and look good as youngsters (as many others do) but will soon need a good amount of space.

    now, onto another point that keeps coming up about reptiles....the majority are not 'taken from the natural habitat', they are tank bred so know no different, also, a lot of reptiles/exotics only have/need a small amount of space to live in even in the wild and have to contest every meal almost, in a tank, they are safe from predators and get regular feeds and at times it might be the only way to boost the species.

    live foods, yeh, it seems cruel but all you are doing is keeping with nature and providing the best diet for your pet.

    if feeding live food is a real problem then maybe try a can get them frozen pinkies (but then, they are baby mice) and most food starts as a live thing anyway.

    recently got my first lizards, 2 fat-tailed geckos and they are looking good at the minute, real easy to care for, docile and even if they do snap at you they will do no harm and need little space.

    start up costs will vary greatly depending on the advice you get from your pet shop, a good dealer will sell only what you need, should he/she start trying to sell you everything and everything then i would walk away.

    check out any in your area or e-mail some shops, you will find that few if any will refuse to offer good advice, they are usually 'keepers' themselves and most will keep you right.

    good luck.

  8. crested gecko they need a tall tank (45x45x60cm is a good size for 1) and can be fed crested gecko diet (CGD) which comes as a power u mix up into paste and it gives them everything it needs.

  9. i would sugests a leopord gecko which costs about 15 or 20 dollars or a fat tailed gecko which is about 25 dolllars

  10. Okay first of all, all lizards need live food weather it be crickets, roaches, meal worms they all need live food. I saw people were suggesting crested geckos, i have 2 soon to be 3 because im getting another one, you can feed srtickly MRP but seriously would you? I still offer crickets and B.Dubia Roaches 2 times a week. A single adult is going to need ATLEAST a 15 gallon tank. Trust me getting started in the hobby is NOT going to be cheap, when i started THIS year i only expected to pay around 100-120 bucks including the geckos, yeah no im into a 400 dollar already, and i have to upgrade a tank soon. And i am no Noob to this whole thing, Let me tell you, why dont you start off with a house gecko or anole? those are cheap and easy!

  11. for an easy, small lizard to keep here is a guide and prices and disc.

    1. lepeoard gecko, very easy lizard to take care of all you need:

    10-20 gallon tank, heatlamp, heat bulb, nutrition lamp/bulb(recomended), store bought sand, hideout, basking spot, and water bowl

    more info: you can hold them once in a while maybe once a week mostly once a month.

    price: gecko: 35-90 $

    price: equipment: 100-120 $

    2. tokay gecko alot like the leopard gecko, a little harder to keep.

    desc. alot of the equipment is similar to the leopard gecko but you cannot hold this gecko, it is very fast and  bites not really a kid friendly pet but it is if you just watch it

    tank: 20-30 gallon tank

    price: tokay gecko: 50-120 $

    price: equipment: 120-130 $

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