
Chosen the Sony a200?

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I have decided to buy the Sony a200 over the Nikon D40. Have I decided correctly? lol The main reason for the choice is that the anti shake thing is built into the Sony a200 and not the lense like the D40. Also, I found the a200 easier to use.




  1. You will not be sorry superb specification for price. then if you feel like upgrading go for the A350 14mp of pure genius, or like me go for the semi pro Alpha 700 I'm really impressed with this camera. I know Canon and Nikon are said to be market leaders, but, everything Sony take on they nearly always come out tops, they are just the most innovative in the world. in 20 years of making Walkmans they improved it over 300 times thats why all portable cassette players were called Walkmans.

  2. Its personal choice at the end of the day...but I think not! Thats the Nikonite speaking in me though! Im a Nikon user through and through. Have fun will your new camera.

  3. Yes, I own the Alpha a-100 it is a good camera. Basically any DSLR from Sony,Nikon or Canon will be a good camera. The pro's mostly use Canon or Nikon. But on the consumer level they are a good choice. The lenses and such are more common for the D40 but I never had any problem finding them.
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