
Chris Horner misses Team RadioShack-Nissan former General Manager Johan Bruyneel

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Chris Horner misses Team RadioShack-Nissan former General Manager Johan Bruyneel
After a devastating 2012 season, Chris Horner stated that Team RadioShack-Nissan has definitely missed the services of its General Manager, Johan Bruyneel.
"I don't have any plans on stopping so we'll just have to see how the season goes," Chris said earlier.
"It's been a fun career. I've no plans of retiring at the end of the year. I plan on going until I have an injury that keeps me from going on or age catches up with me”.
“I know it will. But I'll continue to go on for as many years as I can. I love the sport, I love doing it. The only part I hate is the traveling on flights to Europe".
Bruyneel has been dismissed from the team because of possible links to the Lance Armstrong drug cartel.
He is accused of administering and handling drugs with his former side, Team US Postal through 1999-2007.
USADA’s detailed investigation in to Lance Armstrong that proved him guilty of doping during his stay with the American side, Team US Postal exposed several respectful names that humiliated themselves by using the performance enhancing drugs to achieve the
desired results.
Armstrong bagged as many as seven overall victories at the Tour de France and earned a lot of respect but has now been stripped off from all the previous wins as he bring disgrace and shame not only for himself but also for his country.
The American has not yet appealed against the USADA’s decision however Bruyneel has noted that he will defend himself by challenging the CAS decision.
Several cyclists confessed doping and were given reduced ban in an attempt to build a stronger case against Armstrong.
Eleven out of 26 cyclists were Armstrong’s former teammates at Team US Postal including, Frankie Andreu, Michael Barry, Tom Danielson, Tyler Hamilton, George Hincapie, Floyd Landis, Levi Leipheimer, Stephen Swart, Christian Vande Velde, Jonathan Vaughters
and David Zabriskie.
Team RadioShack-Nissan had a disappointing season, first it was Andy Schleck who could not participate at this year’s Tour de France followed by his brother Frank Schleck’s doping accusations whose final results are still pending.
Only time will tell, if the Luxembourg manages to find the right momentum early on the 2013 season to make up for the last year’s deficiencies.



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