
Chris Mainwaring is reported to have died this morning?

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News reports have said that former West Coast Eagles Chris Mainwaring has died in Cottesloe Perth WA today, does anyone have any further information. He was on the sport news just the other night and its a huge shock.

The rumour mill is working overtime of course, with all sorts of suggestions, can anyone provide any other information. I'm in Perth right now and haven't heard too much yet.

I am an WC Eagles supporter and he always came across as a gentleman of the sport, if its true then thats so sad.




  1. Here's a link from the Sydney Morning Herald, they've done a rather long piece on him:

    Sounds like there is more to it than just that he died ... another sporting tragedy, sad to say :-(

  2. Any wonder that Chris Judd wanted to disassociate himself with the Eagles.

  3. Yes we have lost one our all time favourite sons apparently from a heart attack.

    I googled it up because I didn't believe it when I was told  and they have a few press reports.

    I am so heartbroken because I have known him and his family  for a long time and my heart breaks for them.

    Well said wotzthepoint I don't think Chris Judd would appreciate his name being used to tarnish the player whose number he wore on his back in his time with the Eagles

  4. We won't really know until an autopsy is carried out.  It's very easy to assume its drug related - particularly as apparently he was "yelling in the street" 45 mins beforehand.  Also, as people have said, where was his wife and why did a neighbour ring the ambulance the first time?  Brad Hardie has alluded that Chris was having "personal problems", which I take to mean marriage problems.  I've also heard that he had a heart attack or a seizure.  In any event, his children have lost a lovely dad and the public has lost an icon and his death, no matter how it was caused, is a tragedy at the young age of 41 years.  RIP Mainy, you were an inspiration to many x x x x x x

  5. yes this correct a drug overdose was the cause of death, family stress could be to blame

  6. i also heard it was a drug overdose

  7. Channel Ten (who I must add, I have absolutely NO respect for in a journalistic sense) are saying he collapsed in the street after a drug overdose.

  8. I'm sorry to say this but my partner is a west coast eagles supporter and there was nothing said about it in the paper or on the news and my partener would have known as he keeps up to date with this sort of thing and nothing was said the rumours arent true
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