
Chris Stewart breaks hand in fight

by  |  11 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Can anyone tell me that when Chris Stewart breaks hand in fight?




  1. Colorado Avalanche forward Chris Stewart may think twice about dropping his gloves in the future after suffering a broken left hand in a fight during Saturday's game against the Minnesota Wild. Stewart got into a fight with the Wild's Kyle Brodziak during the second period. The two traded several punches including many by Stewart that hit Brodziak’s helmet. It appeared Stewart hurt his hand during the tilt and as a result, he left the game and did not return. After the game, it was reported that Stewart did in fact injure his hand during the fight and that he will be out of the Avalanche lineup indefinitely, thwarting what was a strong start to the season for the young winger. For his part, Brodziak was not injured in the fight and scored two goals. The Avalanche went on to win the game 7-4.

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