
Chris crocker's video on g*y hate on youtube: what do you think?

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id post a link but he cusses in the

i think he makes a good point but its not just limited to youtube. g*y hate is all over the internet and in the world.

its on his first page:

oh and almost forgot the song haha: crazy for this girl by evan and jaron

((hugs)) and a kissy in the forehead. *muah*




  1. He's making a good point, but he's obnoxious and i don't think he's getting any point across to anyone because i don't anyone takes him seriously after all his other videos.

    I didn't really like the guy in that music videos voice

  2. I loved his video and the points he made how that g*y hate needs to be published and reconised because many ppl who are g*y get harrassed, beaten up, raped, murdered ect..but ppl don't want to see that if they do show anything like that they look to the necative side of the situation.  

  3. I hate Chris Crocker.  And it has nothing to do w/ his being g*y.  Why are we still talking about him anyway?

  4. to be honest.. i Thought he was a woman at first then i saw he most disturbing thing ever..

    he flashed -.-

  5. It's so g*y I can't even tell if that person is a boy or a girl ROFL

  6. he's crazy but I love him!



  7. B*tch, please!! It's fabulous, almost as fabulous as you are babe.


  8. I can't watch his videos I just get so frustrated, I think he's a bit obnoxious

  9. I really don't think i care for anyone who thinks they have the answers to all of lifes questions, whether he is g*y or not. I find him very aggrevating and it has nothing to do with him being g*y.

  10. He is an emotionally confused and immature person who is stuck in a homosexual phase.  Instead of striving to transcend this phase, he has embraced it; and, now, he's angry at the world because he wants the world to conform to his limited beliefs.

  11. He's really good at speaking about issues.

  12. Honestly, I don't or wouldn't take anything he says seriously. In my opinion he is just on youtube for publicity in high hopes of getting a  ...or something!

    as fay as g*y hate, I am completely against it. Who are we to decide what is wrong and right anyhow?  

  13. I don't know. He is a really bad representative for the g*y community and I don't like him one bit.

  14. Chris is one of the bravest people I've ever seen. He's taken so much c**p, I admire him. He's not afraid to be who he really is. I wish I could meet him one day, he's a lot like by best friend, Carol (like "nuh-uh, *****" and stuff :) ). This is a huge loss for Yut Tube. He is definitely a big icon of our generation.

  15. i love it i think he gets his point across well  

  16. Im not a big fan of Chris but that video was utter truth, some of his videos are really good and they speak the truth

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