
Chrisitianity Leads to Muhammad Coming?

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In Christianity Jesus has Never said he was God, There is not a single verse in the Bible where he does. If there is prove it relating to Jesus...

Also when people say he is the "Son of God" he isnt as all people as said in the Bible are the Sons of God. Also ADAM pbuh didnt have a father or mother, so wasnt he another son of God.

Jesus Said aswell in the last supper also, AND in the book of John Chapter 16 verse 12 it says "I have many more things to say to you, but YOU CANNOT bear them NOW.(13)But when HE, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He HEARS, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.(14)He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you""

This is pointing towards the prophet Muhammad pbuh, because Muhammad guided people from paganism to one-ness of God and also guided the jews and christians to the truth.

Also whatever the prophet HEARD and disclosed to the world was from Gabriel telling him what to memorise & write in the Quran. and that is what muhammad said from gabriel.

Muhammad also praised Jesus and his name is more in the bible then any other prophet, including Muhammads. The Quran is Gods word, the truth, as was Jesus the truth, the light at his time and no1 could get to god through his teachings, as was moses the truth the light and no1 could get to god through him but through his teachings, when muhammad came he is the truth, the light and no1 can get to god but through his teachings. There is a chain all leading the prophet..

The Bible doesnt have the word Bible in it, The Bible doesnt have the Word Trinity in it....Now is this the truth and the Light? No..

What Do You Think?




  1. I think Muhammad is equally as silly as Jesus.

  2. The Mohammed Song

  3. I don't think you are going to get many takers with this one because of the schism between Christians and Muslims, but good luck anyway.

  4. The concept of the Trinity is there many times...

    so we call breakfast "breakfast"....we do name

    YES HE IS GOD....READ JOHN....HE WAS VERY clear on that

    John 10_30-33

  5. Salam brother,

    well i think Christians still weaker to offer a strong argument, is that because they don't bother to read their Bible or because the Bible itself is corrupted? anyway i agree with you, and Jesus (pbuh) has preached the upcoming prophet will be Muhammad (pbuh),,

  6. Um, dude...your quote in the second paragraph you are reading from your perspective. Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit throughout His teachings. NEVER did He talk about a man coming to enlighten and enflame the disciples- NEVER!!! The Spirit came down upon the disciples, after Christ ascended to Heaven. Read Acts 2:1-4 The Spirit descended upon the apostles gathered in the room, visible to all. They then went into the street and spoke languages they could not speak. As they did so, many converted then and there.

    muhammed is a false prophet. He was NOT called to service directly by God. Re-read all the prophets of both the Tanakh and the Bible- in each and every instance the prophet was called by God and only by God. Why is this? It is because God, alone, knows what He wants to reveal to us. That is why we have the Trinity. God is the Father, God the Son- Jesus Christ the mortal presence of God,ie Son of God, and God the Holy Spirit. Each and every one ARE God but they are separate entities and yet one. Look to the shamrock of Ireland, that is what they look like.

    Your prophet was called by an angel. A step above man but still below God. Angels are the servants/messengers of God. They, in no way, can know the mind of God. The only capable of knowing the mind of God is if they are God or are a part of God- oh, like Jesus or the Holoy Spirit. The writers of the Bible were inspired by the Spirit of God, not an angel, therefore they had the same knowledge of God as was given to them by the spirit. Again, how can your prophet claim to have received the teachings of allah but have received it from a being who is LESS than allah?

    Here is a direct quote from Jesus as you requested:     John 10:30  "I and My Father are one."    WOW!!! A direct quote from Christ saying that Heand God, Jehovah, Yahweh, I AM, are one. False doctrine being espoused by believers in a man they assume a prohet of God and you are trying to tell me what my Bible tells me? You are trying to put words in the mouth of the Most High? His judgement will be upon your shoulders and,more especially, the shoulders of your teachers for false doctrine.

  7. No Muhammad has NOTHING to do with the Bible or Christianity, Yes the Trinity IS mentioned in the Bible.  Here is some biblical reference for you.

    I. Old and New Testament Parallels of God the Father and God the Son

    Exodus 3:14 - God says "I AM who I AM" - John 8:58 - Jesus says "Before Abraham was, I AM" in reference to Himself.

    Deut. 4:2; 12:32 - the Lord God commands that we not add or take away from His word - Rev. 22:18-19 - Jesus so commands us not to add or take away from His word.

    Deut. 32:39; 1 Sam. 2:6 - the Lord kills and makes alive again and raises up - John 5:21 - the Son raises and gives life.

    Deut. 32:39 - neither is there any that can deliver out of God's hand - John 10:28 - nor shall any pluck out of Jesus' hand.

    Deut. 32:43 - rejoice, ye heavens, with Him, and let all the angels of God worship Him - Heb. 1:6 - the "Him" is Jesus the Son.

    2 Sam. 22:3 - God is the horn of salvation - Luke 1:68-69 - Jesus is the horn of salvation.

    Psalm 19:7 - the law of the Lord is perfect - Gal. 6:2 - fulfill the law of Christ.

    Psalm 24:10 - the Lord is the King of glory - 1 Cor. 2:8 - Jesus is the Lord of glory.

    Psalm 45:7 - Therefore God, your God, has anointed you. God calls someone else God. This someone else is His eternally begotten Son - Heb. 1:9 - Therefore God, your God, has anointed you. cf. Heb. 1:8, 10.

    Psalm 62:12 - the Lord God renders to each according to his work - Matt. 16:27; Rev. 22:12 - Jesus so renders to each according to his work.

    Psalm 71:5 - the Lord God is our hope - 1 Tim. 1:1 - the Lord Jesus Christ who is our hope.

    Psalm 89:27 – I will make him the first-born, the highest (“elyon” which refers to God) of the kings of the earth - John 18:36-27 – Jesus is this first-born king.

    Psalm 97:9 - the Lord God is above all - John 3:31 - Jesus is above all.

    Psalms 110:1 - the Lord (Yahweh) said to my Lord - Jesus = Yhwh - Acts 2:34-36 - God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ.

    Psalm 148:1-2 - the angels worship the Lord God - Heb. 1:6 - the angels worship Jesus. Only God is worshiped.

    Prov. 3:12 - who the Lord loves He corrects - Rev. 3:19 - who Jesus loves He corrects.

    Isaiah 7:14 - a virgin will bear a Son named Emmanuel which means "God is with us" - Matt. 1:23 - this Son is Jesus Christ, God in the flesh.

    Isaiah 9:6 - the child to be born shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

    Isaiah 25:8 - God swallows up death in victory - 2 Tim. 1:10 - Jesus abolishes death and brings life and immortality.

    Isaiah 40:8 - the Word of God shall stand forever - Matt. 24:35 - the Words of Jesus shall not pass away.

    Isaiah 42:8 - God gives His glory to no other - John 17:5; Heb. 1:3 - yet Jesus has the same glory as the Father.

    Isaiah 43:14 - the Lord God is redeemer - Titus 2:14 - Jesus is the redeemer.

    Isaiah 44:6 - the Lord God is the first and the last - Rev. 1:17; 2:8; 22:13 - Jesus is the first and the last.

    Isaiah 45:19 - I, the Lord God, did not speak in secret - John 18:20 - Jesus said "I have said nothing secretly."

    Isaiah 45:23 - to God, every knee shall bow and every tongue swear. Phil. 2:10-11 - at Jesus' name every knee should bow and tongue confess.

    Isaiah 48:17 - God is the Holy One - Acts 3:14 - Jesus is the Holy One.

    Isaiah 60:19 - God is everlasting light - Revelation 21:23 - Jesus the Lamb is eternal light.

    Jer. 17:10 - the Lord searches the hearts and repays us according to our deeds - Rev. 2:23 - Jesus searches the hearts and repays us according to our deeds.

    Ezek. 1:26-28; Daniel 7:9 - God's glorious appearance - Rev. 1:13-16 - Jesus' glorious appearance.

    Ezek. 34:11-31 - God the Father is the shepherd of the flock - John 10:7-29 - Jesus is the shepherd of the flock.

    Ezek. 34:16 - God seeks to save that which was lost - Luke 19:10 - Jesus seeks to save that which was lost.

    Ezek. 34:17 - God judges between cattle, rams and goats - Matt. 25:32 - Jesus judges and separates the goats from the sheep.

    Ezek. 43:2 - God's voice was like a noise of many waters - Rev. 1:15 - Jesus' voice was like the sound of many waters.

    Dan. 2:47 - the Lord is the God of gods and the Lord of Lords - Rev. 17:14 - Jesus the Lamb is the Lord of Lords.

    The Lord our God is ONE Lord (Deut 6:4; 4:35,39; 32:39; Mk 12:29)

    I am the Lord and there is no other (Isa 45:5; 43:10; 44:6,8; etc)

    There is no God besides Me (2 Sam 7:22; 22:32; Neh 9:6; Jer 10:10-11)

    There is ONE God (Rom 3:30; 1 Cor 8:6; 1 Tim 2:5; James 2:19)

    There is no other God but ONE (1 Cor 8:4; Gal 3:20; Eph 4:6)

    The ONLY true [wise] God (John 17:3; Rom 16:27; 1 Tim 1:17; Jude 25)

    Therefore, the ONE GOD is The Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit according to the Bible.

  8. the word bible just means book

    jesus never existed

    mohammed on the other hand unfortunatley did

  9. Start with the bible first then look at the Koran and you will see things differently.  The Bible came first.

    Jesus said false prophets and false Christs will arise to deceive many.

    Jesus used the Old Testament name for God in John's Gospel "I AM..."


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