
Christian Charities that refuse aid to non-Christians?

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There are quite a few Christian charities that only aid fellow Christians or use aid as a leverage for evangelism.

A few were banned from my university campus. An example is Operation Christmas Child.

What are some other ones? I want to be aware so I don't donate to those charities.




  1. Groups to possibly watch/groups not necessarily "bad guys" but which may require caution

    American Red Cross  (with the major caveat that there are some fairly major issues not related to dominionism, and with the caveat that funds donated must be earmarked specifically for California firestorm relief; see below.)

    (I have been notified that people have other objections, including controversies regarding recognition of Adom Mogen David (the Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross/Red Cresent societies) and regarding blood donation. Regarding the first--ALL blood donation groups, sadly, reject LGBT folks unless for self donation--that is from FDA regulations (and it is an area the FDA needs to change, I completely agree). Secondly, the Adom Mogen David controversy is one with the International Red Cross/Red Cresent Society, not necessarily the American branch thereof (and there are groups in other countries that have raised similar objections, including in India and Nepal where Hindu and Buddhist symbols have been proposed as a substitute for the Red Cross/Red Cresent.)

    (There have also been reports the Red Cross has charged persons for receiving blood and blood products received as part of disaster relief drives as well as money donated to disaster relief drives (which is not specifically marked for a particular campaign) being diverted elsewhere.)

    (Due to these controversies, people may wish to donate to other organisations because of controversies with the Red Cross/Red Cresent. I am trying to focus on groups that are either specifically nonsectarian or are affiliated with a church (but do have policies against prosyletisation during disaster ops), and groups to specifically avoid due to known links with dominionist groups (i.e. there is a real risk that donations to the group even for well intended purposes may be used in support of dominionism). If you have evidence that the Red Cross is specifically supporting dominionism, please let me know.)

    (For those who have serious objections regarding the ICRC's rejection of official recognition of Magen David Adom (which is ICRC only, the American Red Cross has actually lobbied for recognition as noted in a comment below), Magen David Adom does have an American branch.)

    (For those objecting to the blocking of blood donations by GLBT individuals, I have no good solution. Magen David Adom, the Red Cross, private blood banks/plasma banks, and in fact all groups operating blood banks are required to reject g*y men due to an FDA directive (again, as noted in a comment below). The only way of fixing that is going to be either donation in a country without such ornerous rules (in which case the blood might not be allowed into the US) or working to get the present administration changed. I do not look to see the FDA changing this anytime soon, partly because it failed when Clinton was in office, partly because we had an active dominionist as head of the FDA approvals committee till July, and partly because the FDA is still attempting to stonewall emergency contraception availability thanks to dominionist pressure--much less allowing g*y men (one of the most demonised populations among dominionists, if not the most demonised, anymore) to donate blood.)

    (In regards to persons worried about money not being applied for disaster relief, San Diego city officials have recommended checks to the American Red Cross be made out specifically to "American Red Cross San Diego Fire" to insure direction of aid money.)

    (Earmarking may be particularly important, as there are reports from Charity Navigator that some American Red Cross offices are donating funds to churches and there apparently is no good way to verify which churches are being donated to.)

    Bad Guys

    The charities listed below (and yes, I am aware I have at least two world-recognised charities) are not recommended for one or more of the following reasons:

    a) Explicit support of dominionism (including lobbying for dominionist-friendly legislation such as DOMA acts, exemptions to laws prohibiting discrimination on basis of religion, etc.).

    b) Unethical evangelism practices (forced evangelism, "convert or starve" evangelism wherein people are forced to hear sermons and/or convert to other religions before receiving aid, etc.)

    c) Known front of a dominionist group or a group known to practice coercive tactics in a manner similar to dominionist groups.

    d) Unethical fundraising practices directly connected with promotion in dominionist circles.

    Operation Blessing (Pat Robertson's charity group. Has used planes (that were marketed as aid planes for Zairian refugees) to transport equipment for his own mining ops: Americans United and DKosPedia have further info; promoted by American Family Association (a virulently anti-LGBT dominionist group). Funds to this group (based on prior history) will likely not only support dominionism but things like threats to world leaders and the trade in "blood diamonds".)

    Samaritan's Purse (Billy/Franklin Graham's charity group. Both Billy and Franklin Graham have been known to espouse dominionist statements in past, Franklin especially so.  Per a report from someone who has sought employment with them. non-dominionists are not considered for employment and employees are required to have a reference from a pastor as well as a "testimonial of faith" on resumes for employment.  Also is working with known dominionist group Traditional Values Coalition in promoting a "refugee adoption" scheme that requires statements of faith from both participating churches and refugees.  Numerous reports of forced evangelism, in particular targeting children; a major part of Samaritan's Purse's operation in fact focuses on "convert or starve" targeting of children, including "sheep-stealing" from children who are attendees of mainstream Christian churches (extensive information in this Dark Christianity post--a full discussion would require a dedicated post on DailyKos).  Frank Graham has been noted as promoting concept of Hurricane Katrina being God's retribution on New Orleans.  Is known to have explicitly partnered with FGBMFI (an Assemblies of God frontgroup known infamously for interference in Latin American and US politics) in the FGBMFI's attempts to interfere in the inner affairs of nations on a worldwide basis.  Has promoted Iraqi War and Israeli bombing of Hizbillah sites in Lebanon as "God softening the hearts" of Iraqis.  Has promoted the attempted genocide of the Kurdish people (during Gulf War I) as a missionary opportunity.  Maintains links to dominionist "parallel economy" alternatives to mainstream medicine (including the "Christian Medical and Dental Association", written about here.)

    Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief (as noted multiple times here, the Southern Baptist Convention is the largest dominionist denomination in the US (having hijacked the seminary and church leadership some fifteen years ago). The Southern Baptist Convention's purges in its seminary in Louisville have literally destroyed a world-renowned school of social works.  Some reports have been received in regards to Katrina relief efforts of "convert or starve" evangelism.  Reportedly refused to accept canned water from Anheiser-Busch (for relief efforts) unless all traces water was from beer manufacturer removed.)

    Convoy of Hope (group that specialises in "stealth evangelism" in its fundraising and is a "shell organisation" operated by the Assemblies of God, another large dominionist denomination; the group is located in Springfield, MO very near the AoG world headquarters, and is heavily promoted on the AoG's website. Do not give to this group; The Assemblies of God as a denomination is dominionist in its official church policy and also advocates "stealth evangelism" as official policy; the AoG is also directly linked with dominionist parties in both the US and Australia. "Convoy of Hope" is de facto the primary charity wing of the AoG and an example of the "stealth evangelism" practiced in this group; also keep in mind the AoG as a denomination does meet criteria of a coercive religious group. Trust me, speaking as a walkaway--you don't want ANY of your funds going here. Reports of forced evangelism for aid from this and practically all other Assemblies frontgroups.)

    We Care America (another "front group" charity associated with the Assemblies of God; see  here and here for more details.  Reports of forced evangelism for aid from this and other Assemblies frontgroups.  Please see notes on Assemblies charity fronts under "Convoy of Hope" entry above.)

    KidCare America (another "front group" charity associated with the Assemblies of God; specifically targeting children as "child evangelism" front of We Care America.  Targeted evangelism of children, especially in disaster aid situations, is generally considered unethical.  Please see entry for "Convoy of Hope" re general notes on Assemblies charity fronts.)

    We Care For Youth (another "front group" charity associated with the Assemblies of God.  Targeted evangelism of children, especially in disaster aid situations, is generally considered unethical.  Please see entry for "Convoy of Hope" re general notes on Assemblies charity fronts.)

    Dream Center of Los Angeles and other Dream Center locations (another "front group" operated by the Assemblies of God (and specifically Phoenix First Assembly of God), per the following Wikipedia article; has been tied to specific complaints of prosyletisation and mistreatment of evacuees (see post on Hurricane FEMA LJ community here; is also promoted by dominionist groups.  Dream Center also linked wi

  2. Ususaly those guys soliciting for "Veterans Aid, of Help Vets" charities outside the grocery stores here in CA.  I do not object to aiding vets, but not through some narrowly focused fundamentalist group, thank you.

    Here is an INCLUSIVE one.

  3. When a representative of an organization asks you for a donation, ask the rep for the web address of the organization and say that you are sorry, but you give only by mail or online. You can also ask specifically, "Are you a religious-based organization?" If the answer is yes, ask, "Do you service only people who are of your religion, or do you try to convert people to your religion?"

    Then check the organization out yourself online. If you feel like giving based on your own research, then do so.

    Not all religious-based organizations exclude service to people who aren't of that religious affiliation. An organization may answer yes to being a religiously-affiliated group but may serve all people in need, regardless of their faith (or lack there of).

    Also, you need to check out for yourself what the previous poster has said about the American Red Cross -- a lot of that is myth.

    In short, check for YOURSELF.

  4. I dont know, sorry, but i dont want to donate anything

  5. Bad Guys: (Operation Blessing, which is Pat Robertson's charity group. Has used planes (that were marketed as aid planes for Zairian refugees) to transport equipment for his own mining ops: and have further info; promoted by AFA) (Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief--as noted multiple times here, the Southern Baptist Convention is the largest dominionist denomination in the US (having hijacked the seminary and church leadership some fifteen years ago). The Southern Baptist Convention's purges in its seminary in Louisville have literally destroyed a world-renowned school of social works.) (Convoy of Hope, group that specialises in "stealth evangelism" in its fundraising and is a "shell organisation" operated by the Assemblies of God, another large dominionist denomination; the group is located in Springfield, MO very near the AoG world headquarters, and is heavily promoted on the AoG's website ( Do not give to this group--The Assemblies of God as a denomination is dominionist in its official church policy and also advocates "stealth evangelism" as official policy; the AoG is also directly linked with dominionist parties in both the US and Australia. "Convoy of Hope" is de facto the charity wing of the AoG and an example of the "stealth evangelism" practiced in this group; also keep in mind the AoG as a denomination is a coercive religious group. Trust me, speaking as a walkaway--you don't want ANY of your funds going here.) ("Christian Disaster Response", a dominionist charity operated by "One Way Ministries" (a group in the

    American Evangelical Christian Church, a pentecostal denomination)) (World Harvest, a dominionist group with several international branches. Site is presently down, but Wayback Machine archives available. Is heavily promoted by Focus on the Family; see In Wayback Machine archives, the list of sponsors is potentially even more troubling (see "World Harvest" in and of itself (much like "World Prayer Center") is a dominionist buzzword anyways.) (Mission of Mercy, a dominionist children's charity associated with Bethseda Christian, a dominionist church in the Colorado Springs area. Associated with what I term the Colorado Springs Complex of dominionist groups) (International Mission Board, another website operated by the Southern Baptist Convention--as noted above, SBC is blatantly dominionist; promoted by both FotF and AFA) and (World Relief, another dominionist charity that largely operates in the dominionist "shadow economy" and is promoted largely by dominionist evangelical groups; promoted by both Focus on the Family and American Family Association) (Samaritan's Purse, Billy/Franklin Graham's charity group. Both Billy and Franklin Graham have been known to espouse dominionist statements in past, Franklin especially so. Per a report from someone who has sought employment with them. non-dominionists are not considered for employment and employees are required to have a reference from a pastor as well as a "testimonial of faith" on resumes for employment.) (Mercy Ships, appears to be a dominionist "shadow economy" alternative to Doctors Without Borders. The fact that the major groups endorsing them are Focus on the Family and the President (who has links to dominionist groups and is likely a dominionist himself) tends to make one very leery. Practices stealth evangelism--had to do a fair amount of digging on the site to see that they do explicitly market themselves as a Christian group; a further websearch ( shows they are specifically affiliated with Youth With A Mission, a dominionist group under the Campus Crusade for Christ umbrella that specialises in stealth evangelism to school students. ( and have further info on Youth With A Mission in general, and also includes mention of the "Mercy Ships")) (Global Hope Network, another dominionist charity promoted by Focus on the Family; promotes a group, "International Foundation of Hope", which is part of the "Colorado Springs Complex" of dominionist groups) (International Foundation of Hope, the aforementioned dominionist charity in question that is part of the Colorado Springs Complex of dominionist groups) (Christian Emergency Network, a group that is almost entirely funded by dominionist denominations and groups (per (Churches of Christ Disaster Relief--the Churches of Christ have often been noted for dominionist activity, and this organisation in particular does have disturbing reports regarding it--see for info on, among other things, psychological abuse of children by orphanages operated by this group. The Churches of Christ are also known to be a coercive religious group, specifically practicing "shepherding" (a particularly nasty type of religious coercion wherein the church is split up into "cells" with members of the cells watching over each other to make sure they toe the party line): has more info. One of the major founders seems to be Tusculum Church of Christ in Nashville, which apparently does have shepherding groups ( so I would be inclined to place it as one of the potentially coercive groups. A brief perusal of the website of another group founding this org, Granny White Church of Christ in Nashville, also seems to back this up:

    (This group should not be confused with the United Church of Christ, which is actually an accepting group; there are *multiple* church denominations using "Church of Christ", including the International Churches of Christ (which are known to be coercive).) (MAP International, which is another group apparently meant as a "Christian alternative" to Doctors Without Borders, admits on its own website they explicitly prosyletise to people and other statements indicate dominionist worldview; it also appears that the only groups certifying them are various evangelical "accountability groups" like the National Association of Evangelicals, which is in itself suspicious) (World Emergency Relief, an explicitly dominionist/"Christian Supremacist" charity group (they literally will not work with non-evangelical charity groups, and follows guidelines of another dominionist charity group, AERDO (see below)) and (AERDO, an umbrella group for multiple dominionist charity groups; almost all the dominionist groups listed above are in their members list ( including MAP International and (sadly) World Vision and Salvation Army as well. Many of the links are not even to charities but explicitly dominionist groups (including "Harvest Foundation" a group dedicated to exporting dominionism, as well as groups practicing "creation care" aka dominionist "wise-use". One of the major speakers for AERDO is Chip Ingram, a "Christian counselor" who is blatantly dominionist (see for info) and has, among other things, promoted the "women should be subservient to their husband as their husband is to God" sort of deal up to and including telling women they should not pay bills. AERDO affiliates are required to sign a statement of faith that they operate under the statement of faith of the National Association of Evangelicals (presently a dominionist organisation itself, whose president is also the lead pastor of "New Life Ministries", a Colorado Springs megachurch at the heart of much of the dominionist movement in the US); AERDO's statement is at and NAE's statement of faith at (Scientology rescue group. Whilst not "Avengelical"/dominionist, is part of a group well known for coercive activity and with practices similar to dominionists (yes, Scientology has its own form of dominionism, termed "clearing the planet"). More info on Scientology itself at (Sadly, new information (listed below) has forced me to list this group as dominionist; see below. Supportive of dominionist groups like "Operation Blessing" and also having restrictions on funding; has used homeless groups to fight initiatives for Fairness Ordinances and has actually threatened to close soup kitchens and homeless shelters in areas whose Fairness  

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