
Christian Help!!!!?..............?

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Hi, I'm a born again christian (more of a backslider that came to his senses).

Last night I watched a video of a pastor speaking in tongues, and I just started laughing.

Did I commit the eternal sin by laughing at him? By laughing at the language?

Your answers are very appreciated.

God Bless You All!!!




  1. No it isn't a sin to laugh at him.  You should be praying for him to know the truth.  Welcome back to the fold.

  2. Jesus wants you to be happy

  3. Of course not.

  4. Some things are gunny to people and some that isn't. Laughing and poking fun at religion shouldn't be a sin. If it were, we'd all be in h**l.

  5. No you didn't

    Tongues are abused and poorly understood

    Please read this brief study:

    And this:

  6. The fact you are worried says that not only haven't you committed the ultimate sin, you CAN'T commit it.

    The only way that you can commit the eternal sin is to intend to reject God completely and utterly while having full knowledge of his being and love.  I can think of no person living or past who could have (to my best estimate) committed that sin, as I believe no one could know God fully and completely and reject him. People who seem to reject God often know little of him and have not seen him in their life due to evil and circumstances...

    but remember that you can't judge anyone because we don't know what other people really think or feel.  All we can know is what we ourselves think and feel.

    As long as you don't feel that you have rejected God, God still loves you. If you feel you have, do something meaningful to you that shows you accept God's love in your life.  Always remember that Jesus loves you. You are forgiven and loved. Accept God's love and be at peace.

  7. its funny haven't you seen borat  

  8. Yeah I would say that is appropriate. It gives me the creeps. Why stay with a church that makes you feel like you are doomed for being human. The born again term has being corrupted by Biblical literalists who turned it into a right wing political movement.

    Plus that nonsense that devils are poking and prodding you all the time just waiting for you to commit a sin like asking Pastor Billy Bob why he's obsessed with h**l when it was the great poet Dante that structured h**l in the Divine Comedy in Florence during the early Renaissance. Then h**l evolved and became prominent when life was so miserable with everyone dropping dead during the plague that Church leaders had to come up with a place that was worse then existence on earth.

    I think the intellect plays an important role in understanding scripture.

    I'm being terrible, sorry, I'm not big on emoting around strangers, plus the devil is said to speak in tongues during a Catholic exorcism. It's part of the Christian supernatural. It will be a frosty Friday before a High Church Anglican loses it during, yes, a Latin mass.

  9. Do you really worship a god of whom you have fear of eternal damnation because you laughed?  

  10. No, you did not.  The bible says not all have this gift.  I don't, but I have been around it enough that it's no problem for me.  When you see something amusing you can't help yourself.

  11. The unfiorgiveable sin is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit, which is when someone who knows the Holy Spirit speaks evil of him.

    What you did was a nervous reaction.

    Pastors shouldn't really be speaking in tongues on video.

    If people want to see it they shoyuld go to a meeting and hear it in the context where it will be explained and a gift of interpretation given.

  12. just like to correct you it is not speaking in tongs, as speaking in tongs would be opening your mouth to speak and you start talking in a language you do not know, what was most likely used was a special prayer language, or it was faked...

    and it is not a sin to laugh at something you do not understand, especially at something like that because it seems really silly and it wasn't like you ment anything wrong from it right?

  13. Naw, there is no sin that is unforgivable unless basically you're not Christian. You've noticed your mistakes, you can learn from it. But maybe it wasn't, all sins are forgiven, now accept it.

  14. Repent and turn from that sin, Go to that person and ask forgiveness or just tell Them I Repent. And if you want to turn from your sins and serve God go to Acts 2:38 and become a Holy disciple of Lord Jesus

    Christ and serve him with all your Heart

  15. like idk but just when you pray tonight jusy ask god to forgive you if you did any wrong he forgives all and god bless you to

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