
Christian do you really practise what your Jesus preached?

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As an atheist looking in, let us assume for a moment that your Christian Jesus was an actual person. In your bible it tells us that Jesus spoke against wealth without compassion, fed the hungry, cared for the needy, put children first and aided the sick. He supposedly told us that we too should follow his example and also care for and about people the way he did. It’s pretty obvious when reading about Jesus that he was undeniably a socialist.

My question is, if Jesus set an example that we should follow, why do most Christian conservatives in the United States ignore these teachings and support a fascist capitalist system by voting Republican? A political and economic system completely on the opposite end of the spectrum of what your Jesus taught




  1. 1- I can say I love Jesus but don't mean it. Like or not people lie. You are talking about politicians, Jesus clearly states "Give to Ceasar what is due to Ceasar, and to God what is due to God". Politicians get to their positions by pleasing and connected with their constituents. That's Legaslative Process 101. People have a tendency to vote for "conservative Christians" because both words, for them, means that that person will defend the value of Christ no matter what. And you know what? Some do! Some actually do!

    2- The economic system has nothing to do with Christ in the sense he said that it's through the sweat will we earn our bread. He didn't say how much bread we can earn nor how much sweat we'll sweat. The capitalists system works because people DO work hard otg et to their position and once there, they'll work even harder to maintian it. The byproduct is that? damage of the earth, poverty, even damging your own soul [you don't know what people do to maintain that position].

    As a Political Science student, I can tell you that capitalism is the system that ahs more chance of success. Socialism also works and is my favorite form of system [looka t the EU], communism is proven not to work. For me Socialism is a balance of capitalisma nd communism, in that scenario everyoone wins.

    See the way you say it, it's like Jesus not only was he an imaginary person but also every person beleiving in Him is necessarily good. to make such judgement is to deny the natural state of a human being. Beleiveers like noon-beleivers, are, in my opinion, born with a struggle between good and evil. Following Jesus means that youa re in a good path, but ti doesn't mean that you won't have bumps in the road. At the same time i can tell you that i follow him, but until i prove it [i.e charity, feeding the poor] it will remain just words.

  2. No they do not because even though know that what jesus taught was insane.

  3. Cause nobody could do what jesus did.

  4. Exceedingly few!!

    Hardly any even go to church and that is from church attendance figures given by the churches!!  Showing that less than 5% of those professing to be Christian regularly attend!!

    Gandhi said, “I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ”!!  What an observant man he was!!!

  5. We follow God, not the government. The bible in revelation explains that Satan's world is on the verge of collapse. That God's government is about to fill the earth. That sinners and the godless will perish.

    And that sinless productive people will inherit the earth.

    It's not too late to find the truth. Here is a website containing some important information

  6. I try but i am not perfect.

    The bible say's to have no part of this world so i do not get involved in politics in any way including voting

    John 17:16....They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.

    John 18:36....Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place."

    1John 5:19...We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.

  7. h**l, no!  If Jaysus came back from the dead (provided, of course, he ever existed), he'd drop dead of a heart attack just seeing what is being said and done in his name by his fan club  

  8. You are interpeting the scriptures to mean that Jesus related to people in a debilitating sort of way, as liberals do. Of course, there's a proper way to help people that doesn't cripple them.

    I don't believe that Jesus wanted to create multitudes of dependents, by helping people.

    This may be of interest:

  9. I'm am a Christian who votes republican. What  can a nation expect to accomplish  without  morals and absolutes as it's main  foundation.. I do not believe abortion is the right thing to do in any case.  I believe all life is precious not only the unborn baby but the scared mother who thinks abortion is her only option. I do believe marriage is between a man and a woman as God has ordained. Jesus is our example in humility, putting others before ourselves, he cured the  illnesses that kept the body from working and functioning in society...these people didn't like begging and depending on others.      In 2 Thess. 3:15

    We are warned against idleness.  The disciples worked for all of their food.  They did not rely on hand outs. If a man will not work he shall not eat...we aren't even suppose to socialize with a person like this in order that he will feel ashamed....Our nation cannot expect to grow in God's favor when we don't abide by his word first. Where churches and families used to take care of the needs within the family, Big Brother Government has stepped in and taken over.I'm afraid in doing so we've missed the mark on responsibility of the Church and interfering with the witness and blessings upon the person in need that a monthly welfare check just doesn't cover.    

  10. This again?

  11. Yes, I do. And check these statistics out -

    According to a recent Barna poll -

    Tithing in 2007

    "Whether they believe in the principle of tithing or not, few Americans give away that much money. In 2007, the research revealed that just 5% of adults tithed.

    Not surprisingly, some population groups were more likely than others to have given away at least ten percent of their income. Among the most generous segments were evangelicals (24% of whom tithed); conservatives (12%); people who had prayed, read the Bible and attended a church service during the past week (12%); charismatic or Pentecostal Christians (11%); and registered Republicans (10%).

    Several groups also stood out as highly unlikely to tithe: people under the age of 25, atheists and agnostics, single adults who have never been married, liberals, and downscale adults. One percent or less of the people in each of those segments tithed in 2007.

    Among all born again adults, 9% contributed one-tenth or more of their income. The study also showed that Protestants were four times as likely to tithe as were Catholics (8% versus 2%, respectively).

    Christians Give the Most

    Christians tend to be the most generous group of donors. An examination of the three dominant subgroups within the Christian community showed that evangelicals, the 7% of the population who are most committed to the Christian faith, donated a mean of $4260 to all non-profit entities in 2007. Non-evangelical born again Christians, who represent another 37% of the public, donated a mean of $1581. The other 42% of the Christian population, who are aligned with a Christian church but are not born again, donated a mean of $865. Overall, the three segments of the Christian community averaged donations of $1426.

    The Christian giving was divided between Protestants (mean of $1705) and Catholics ($984).

    In contrast, Americans associated with non-Christian faiths gave away a mean of $905 during 2007. Atheists and agnostics provided an average of $467 to all non-profit organizations."


    Jesus wouldn't fit into today's definition of being a socialist because He doesn't hold the same. liberal views that most socialists hold. He's not pro-death when it comes to abortion. He's not for g*y marriage. He doesn't worship the governments of this world (a.k.a. "The Beast" in the book of Revelation) and He knows man is sinful and isn't "good"

    As for looking after the poor, He commanded His body, the church to do that, NOT the government. And it is VERY UNCHRISTIAN, not to mention, irresponsible and disobedient, to surrender that responsibility over to the government or support a politician who champions Big governemnt.

    We conservative Christians are very generous. We believe in helping the poor not only survive but also succeed. Only giving people handouts and being dependent upon the government keeps them in poverty and diminishes their dignity, not to mention hurts this world by their lack of creative contributions.

    "Once abolish God and the government becomes the God." -G.K. Chesterton

  12. most don't

  13. Theres a reason that churches feed and clothe people and use their resources to help others.

    Its not based on politics, its based on hearts.

  14. It is easy to point fingers at others. What have you done to help others.? This is irritating generalization that many non-believers engage themselves in

  15. exactly.. jesus was a liberal...

  16. satan rules the world, hence he sees that people go hungry , greedy and curse god and become atheists

  17. Your opening statement is flawed.  There is so much evidence that Jesus really was a real person, do the homework.  So only democrats can be Christian? What you do in your personal life that pleases God is different than what the gov does.  After all, everyone believe this country was not founded on Christian belief so what does it matter?  Concentrate on your walk with the Lord.

    Have you ever lied? That makes you a liar!

    Have you ever stolen anything? That makes you a thief!

    Have you ever used the Lords name in vain? Your a blasphemer!

    If you die today, God will see you as a lying, thieving, blasphemer at heart.  No thief will enter the kingdom of God, all liar will have there part in the lake of fire.  Get right with the Lord.  Repent of your sins and trust in the savior and you will have everlasting life.

    Just My Thoughts!

  18. Selfishness and the inane idea that they are "saved" even when they completely disregard what they were told to do.

  19. Very well put and we can include Starlin who said that Jesus Christ was the first to use Communism as a standard of living in a society.

    But alas Starlin thought he became God and sent his enemies to the Salt Mines to prosper the wealth of the Republic of Russia.

  20. If you live in Michigan, you will see just what a democrat could do for the world......we have the poorest economy.....I have 5 houses on my street in foreclosure.....everyone is moving out of this state...taxes are rediculous.  Just for summer taxes I have to pay $3,000.  So I don't think in matters of who's Democtrat or who's Republican...neither of them don't give a c**p about the people who are struggling, that's why christians send out missionaries to help people who are in need.

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