
Christian fundamentalists: Does god "punish" the Caribbean every hurricane season?

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As well as eastern Asia and Northern Australia every Cyclone season there?

And the Mid-west USA every tornado season?

And parts of Texas every rainy season?

And the Western plains every dry season?

And the desert every day and every night?

ect. ect. ect.

Just how much time does god spend "punishing" masses of continents with weather phenomenon?

*IMPORTANT! Remember after Katrina, Christian extremists said stuff like "god is punishing New Orleans because of it's decadence and wickedness" and some even went as far as to say "god is flushing the toilet".




  1. You have to consider the source. These people are on a power trip and just plain bullies who hide behind religion to justify the inhumanity of their unchristian like behavior. These are people who cite a single line of scripture taken out of context to justify their position when there are six others that contradict them. These are people who have self proclaimed themselves to be the anointed ones to interpret the will of god and only those who are of the devil would question that authority.(Does "Your with me and for war or you are a terrorist and so are the our enemy" sound familiar.) These are the people who feel quite secure claiming that god has lied because he has placed evidence that the earth is 4.5 billion years old because they dreamed up a way to claim it is less than 5 thousand (they are not fallible, god is) Just remember you too can proclaim yourself god almighty!

  2. You explained it yourself when you said 'extremists'.

    They do Not represent fundamentalists or any other Christian groups. Why are you trying to paint an entire group with the brush of a few radicals?

  3. No, God gives you free will so you can choose to live where you like whether in a dander zone or not. But your question in silly, only a handful of people said this, and you are lumping everyone together. Do you usually do that? Do all Democrat's want Hilary for pres? Seems not. You are not responsible for your "brothers' behavior, I have no control over what comes out of your mouth and I am sure we have at least one feature or thought in common.......It just makes you seem a little......."Simple."

  4. I do believe God is Sovereign and controls all things.

    There are powerful nature forces that hurl and toss, and as you must know, the universe is quite impersonal, even as the sun that shines on the just and unjust.

    If you sit in the sun long enough you will die from its rays, same with all nature, if you live in the path of hurricanes, you are a target.

    But what to look at is that God is always ready and willing to help people rebuild and in some cases he even stops the storms or hides the one who trusts him in his hand.

    Man is destroying the ozone layer, the earth , the land, the seas, the air, each other, and I could go on, so look at what we are doing to God and what we are doing to the beautiful paradise earth he gave us before you start blaming him for it all.

  5. No.  People who say things and then use God as there justification are aren't fundamentally any different than people who fly plans into buildings, just less violent.  But all are distorting the views that the respective religions teach.  

    As for people being "punished", it is not God but their own stupidity that punishes them.  If a  effn' hurricane came to my house every year I would move.  If I stay, well then I should be a candidate for the darwin awards.

  6. You are about to find out, God will not take much more of this evil on earth.  If you watch History Channel will will find that several people and cultures in distant history have predicted that time will cease to exist on Dec 21, 2012  We are evil and in my lifetime (60years) I have seen the evil grow exponentially.

  7. The thing with hurricanes, is that if you compare them by decades, they are increasing.  Is it God?  Is it nature?  It is Satan?  What does it mean?

    I think it doesn't matter in terms of dealing with it.  I generally think we shouldn't make those kinds of statements, but that's me.

    Yahoo has an R&S section, by the way.

  8. Sorry....I have to laugh at your spin on this.  The only questions I have seen on here about Katrina and the Republican convention and the Gulf coast being "punished" have been quotes from Michael Moore (hardly a "Christian fundamentalist") and Democrats asking how, oh, how can the Republicans celebrate while God is hurling His wrath at New Orleans, because that obviously means He is opposed to Republicans and supports Democrats since the Democratic convention was not interrupted.

    What ridiculous drivel!

    No, God is not "punishing" anyone.

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