
Christian logic lesson #1: good is the absence of evil, evil is the absence of good any questions?

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Gly wish I could agree but I routinely put cold coffee into the microwave to take the cold out not heat it up. You think in a limited concrete fashion ergo Christian!




  1. humans are ..... human

    there is a little good in the worst of us


    A little bad in the best of us.

    A Christian is .... a human

    Paul states that Christians are at war with the flesh. This is saying that self seeking and self ceterness and self satisfaction can lead to making choices that are not healthy and that these choices may not only hurt others but even moreso hurt ourselves.

  2. Correct because it depends on what God you have faith in.  The God of Love or the God of Hate.  Jesus said we can't have both.

  3. If that's the case, neither one exists.

  4. Nope!  It falls right in line with the logic of god is real because it says so in the Buybull and the Buybull is real because it's the word of god

  5. Good is when original purity is not contaminated by evil thoughts. Evil is not evil until the pure mind is thus contaminated.

  6. yes what is good or evil .is it YOUR views or someone elses?

  7. This is based off rationalism, its called an antinomy. Something that was argued against for argument by a metaphysicist and philosopher named Immanuel Kant. An antimony is a "contradictory, but validly proven pairs of claims that reason is compelled toward.". kant argues that these pairs of claims have metaphysical mistakes. They can both be proven because they are in and of themselves based on knowledge therefore are not reasonable arguments. A valid statment, but your error is the use of this in argument for invalidity of christianity.

    Sorry hun but I took a Philosophical Ethics of Morals class in college. The reading material and logical thinking of this subject is above that of your level of comprehension. This is not a winning argument. If you think you can understand it, go out and get  The Grounding of Metaphysics of Morals by kant. Then come back and argue antinomical logistics.

  8. Got milk?

  9. Weak sauce.

  10. Not quite.

    Evil is the absence of good - like

    cold is the absence of heat, heat is not the absence of cold.


    Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature where nothing could be colder, and no heat energy remains in a substance.

  11. What Christian theologian expressed that logic, exactly?

    Augustine maintained the first half of that equation, but certainly not the second.

  12. That's kind of backwards, there are many dimensions to good and evil. Good and evil in my opinion envelop all, everything fly's both ways. Picture a prism, capable of every color of the rainbow - energy - God, what ever you want to call it is EVERYTHING, good, evil,ugly & beautiful - EVERYTHING.

  13. Good is the contrast to evil, and evil is the contrast to good.  Neither exists alone.  Any questions?

  14. Then Yahoo R&S is truly evil, definitely going to h**l.  Where is our salvation? Save us Yahoo Jebus...

  15. Not a question:

    Good is not the absence of evil because evil is not an independent thing. Every evil action has a good intention/result at its root.

  16. Makes sense...

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