
Christian teen and pageants...ok or not ok???

by  |  earlier

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i am a christian who wants to glorify God, but i also want to be in an upcoming scholarship pageant to win money for my future and have a new experience. i know that the competition is based on an interview, casual wear, and formal wear. i know i will not have to parade on stage in a swim suit; i also am choosing to wear a thick strapped gown or shawl for the formal wear part, and loose fitting clothes for the casual wear. for now i dont think it will be a problem, but if i were to win and make it to the next level, there will be activities like dances and swim parties to attend. i would choose not to participate in those things, but the fact that the pageant approves makes me feel like i approve. should i participate in the pageant even though i dont stand for everything they stand for or not??




  1. Hello K,

    It is my position that if you have the tinest feeling of reservation,  you should not do it.    Something is telling you it would be a good experience as well as a way to win college money... but something else is pulling you away from it.   Which is stronger? and why are there ANY at all feelings that you should be cautious?

    What does your family advise you to do?   Before you weigh any of the answers here....  get feedback from your parents, other family members and your best friends.   These are the people's opinions that are going to make you feel secure and confident about entering this pageant.  In the end, it will be your decision.

    Best of luck to whatever you choose.

    Thank you for reading.   :))

  2. Your religious beliefs shouldn't be playing a role in this what so ever. If any of the rules and regulations don't go against the ten commandments I don't even see how they are related in any way. If you want to do it then go ahead and do it. Personally I find pageants disgusting, but if you dig it, go for it!

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