
Christian theologians please ... ?

by Guest44908  |  earlier

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Please tell me if I'm right:

Trinity means that there are three different persons, all are God, but none of them are the same. Am I right? So not like three different ways of appearance, but rather three distict persons.

Why do many trinitarian Christians then pray to the father, and think the prayer goes to Jesus, or pray to Jesus, and think the prayer is to the father?




  1. Trinitarianism is Heathen blasphemy, and contradicts scrpture in many ways.  Scripture teaches that there are two almighty ones, and that they are 'echad' which means 'one' but it is the one of plurality.

  2. No one understands the trinity. No one can comprehend it. The term trinity is just a "name" someone came up with to help identify this phenomena of one God, but present in three persons. It is clearly referenced in the bible, but the Bible does not give "it" a name.

    If you study the Bible -seriously, you will become aware that there is a God, but often spoken of, or alluded to in three different persons.

    What would you call it?

  3. That's part of it.  There are three distinct persons.  But the rest of it is that they are the same God.  There's only one God.

  4. you have the right concept,  3 persons totally in agreement and in purpose, distinct

    that they are of one mind, they are one, One God

    there is an agreed on structure of authority, one called the Father, one called the Son and one called the Holy Spirit, yet they are all agreed in all things, hense one God

    if you can think of a three strand rope, each strand identical to the other but discernable, but one rope

    or think of water, steam and ice,  all exactly the same, yet different in form as to appearance yet of the same nature

    ya, it messes with the mind

  5. They are all one person God the FARTHER is the top one of them, all prayers goto him!

  6. I think that is as far as the trinity explanation can go. It's an attempt to explain the nature of God, and not more than that. So as far as we can explain the nature of God, that is pretty good.

    I think that it is important to not trust it beyond it's attempt. But trust God knowing that God is One, but more complex than just saying 'He is One.'

    I also find it better to know who you are praying to, rather than confusing yourself with the trinity. Trust God! And if there are 'three persons' ok. I can deal with that. But what I don't want to do is to place the concept of the trinity as a stumbling block of doubt to befuddle my prayers to Him. Focus on God, Christ and be sure who your focus is on. Don't allow it to cause you to swim in doubt in the midst of prayer! Focus your trust in God. Christ is our peace with God. No double-mindedness!

  7. Because God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are separate, yet connected.

    The Trinity is a difficult concept to grasp at the best of times and it is best understood when separated.

    Much like Yin and Yang, which represent a duality within cosmic forces, and yet, are not separate but represent a 'complete whole, oneness, the Tao.

    So it is with the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are better understood when broken down into separate components, although they are part of the One.

    So, by pray to the One, all receive the same pray.

  8. You are a person.

    You have a body, a spirit and a soul. 3 "entities" make you who you are.

    Your body  houses your soul.

    Your soul, in turn houses your spirit. Your spirit  goes forth from you. You use it when you are hoping, praying, wishing, loving another. you kind of understand what I mean?

  9. I do not believe in the trinity

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