
Christian topic: Anyone know about the Leviathan spirit?

by Guest10897  |  earlier

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Okay I know about the Jezebel spirit. But anyone know about the Leviathan?




  1. Leviathan is the name of a demon associated with the sea and with Pride.

    He is called out in the Bible in The Book of Job, Isaias, and a couple of times in Psalms.

    He is also a metaphor for sin, Satan, and great devouring monsters of the deep.

    In the Daemonic Order he is considered a devil in rank.

  2. What an interesting question.  Here is a little of what I know about the The Spirit of Leviathan:

    This Spirit appositely wants to promote you ahead of the Lord’s leading and move you into a place, where you no longer totally depend on the Holy Spirit but on your own gifting, charisma, finances or denomination, traditions or programs.  It also promotes self and self-serving agendas.

    It wants to set you up with a false confidence.

    It wants to get your identity out of what you do rather than who you are.

    There are those who see individual thought about God as a threat to their Church and have painted the Spirit of Leviathan as an "anti Christ/God" because these religious leaders want to be the only ones who can dictate to us what is appropriate and what is not when it comes to "The power of God".  I for one see this "Spirit" as part of what God intended because He gave us a brain to think.  Hope this helps.

  3. Agreed with MrM.

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