
Christian vegitarian?

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im christian but im becoming a vegitarian...everyone keeps telling me that its o.k to eat birds (chicken,turkey, ex) and seafood because its in the bible, I have read the bible but i just dont know.........watcha think




  1. I am a Christan vegitarian and I do not think God is displeased by this. You are not hurting anyone.

  2. im a christian vegetarian :)

    and it does'nt all have to be based on the bible. Just what your personal preference is. personally, i dont value the lives of cows and pigs over  fish and birds so i dont eat either. Its a personal decision that no one can make for you. But good on you! every bit makes a difference. For example just cutting out the red meat in your diet helps global warming! Good luck :)

  3. The first rule about the bible is don't ever take a single word in it seriously, even Christians pick what parts they want to listen to and what parts to completely ignore.

    It also says you should stone women that cheat on their wife and some hairy guy can make water into wine.

  4. .... Well Dear, God loves you just the way you are, he loves everybody, the people he loves and birds and all animals he loves, are put on earth for a sole reason, like water, water is the main thing, if there was no water we wouldn't be here at all..  animals have a heart just like us, some don't, but they're so tiny creatures and we wouldn't eat those for sure, but, like i said, if you eat meat from the market, it's not okay because you are paying for an abused animal's meat and that is for sure a sin... but if you eat meat from a lamb that you kill because you need to feed your family, god says it's ok. but before you kill it make sure to thank god and feed every one, make sure not to waste a bit of it, but also never over eat, just 1/4 of a pound is all you need every three days, all veggies and fruits you can eat every day and drink 2/3 of a gallon of water a day....

    put it this way, if a lion goes hungry he kills and eats with all of his kind, and after they eat, big birds come and finish up the plate, when they are not hungry, they just don't kill, even if a zebra walks besides them, they just let it go. if you need meat, go for it, but remember where this meat comes from............. from some rich guy abusing and killing animals for money, or from the hand of god?......hope it helps you a bit.........  ciao!

  5. Well, you're talking about two completely different things.  I'm not a bible scholar, but if it says it's OK to eat birds and seafood and you're comfortable with that, go ahead.

    BUT, vegetarianism is not defined by the bible.  It's a concept unto itself and, by definition, it means not eating animals.

    So, you can eat whatever you want, but if you eat animals you will not be a vegetarian.

  6. Here's a simplified argument.  It may be Biblically okay to eat meat (though many of us would prefer not to anyway), but it is NOT okay to keep animals in horrible conditions or perform torturous actions on them, as is done in today's factory farms.  

    It is also not okay to rampantly destroy our environment and overuse resources in order to produce enough meat for today's over-consumptive diets-- especially when those resources could be put to much better use to help feed the many hungry people in the world.  In Biblical days, these things were not issues.  It can also be argued that in Biblical times they needed to eat meat, since they just didn't have the wide variety of foods available that we have in today's "developed" countries.

    I also really like what the earlier poster said about the ideal world, and how one day there will be no more death or killing between animals of any kind.

  7. The Bible depicts vegetarianism as God’s ideal, with a peaceful, vegetarian world at the Creation and at the end of time, and the diet conforms to the central biblical principle of stewardship. God found everything in Eden "very good" immediately after giving all animals (and humans) a vegetarian diet (Genesis 1:29-30). Several prophecies, such as Isaiah 11:6-9, foresee a return to this vegetarian world, where the wolf, lamb, lion, cow, bear, snake, and little child all co-exist peacefully. Christian vegetarians believe we should strive towards the peaceful world Isaiah envisions; to try, in our own limited ways, to follow Christ's mission, expressed in the Lord's Prayer: "Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10, RSV).

    There is much more information on the Bible, Jesus, and vegetarianism at this website:

    This website is all you need to clear up Christianity/vegetarian issues.  I hope it helps you A LOT!  It sure did help me.

  8. if u want to be a vegetarian u really cant eat meat at all, if u eat birds u r not a vegetarian, but if u eat seafood its called a peskatarian, plus the bible doesnt say not to eat meat, also jesus ate meat, god put animals on earth for humans pleasure i hope this helps

  9. In terms of your religion, there is nothing wrong with it. That doesn't mean that you have to, though. It doesn't say you need to eat it, so do as you feel you should.

  10. Many vegetarians are Christian.  Here are some sites to check out the Christian Vegetarian Association

    Also check out this description of vegetarianism in Christianity.  It contains both historical and current info:

    Hope that helps you think things through and make your decision.

  11. Being a vegetarian is not anymore godly than being a meat - eater.

    After the Flood, God allowed mankind to eat properly bled meat - although their stewardship of the earth and animals was not rescinded.

    So both courses are open to Christians and both are acceptable to God.
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