
Christian women please, do you have a Joseph story to tell?

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Joseph accepted Mary. Have you ever been accepted and loved by a man despite something.

"Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily."




  1. You mean Joseph, the guy who knocked up a 14 year old out of marriage, and then hid her knowing that their superstitious society would kill them for adultery?  

  2. My husband took me and my three kids. He'd never been married and no kids. Our/My daughter is bipolar and our/my oldest son has sever asthma. Our/my  youngest son is just a normal kid. My psycho ex husband makes it hard on us. But we chug right along with life.

  3. No. My experiences with men have been fairly universally negative. This may have something to do with my Asperger's. My father is trying to mend fences, but it's kind of hard to trust after 40 years of judgment and criticism.

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