
Christianity and alcohol?

by  |  earlier

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I know it is wrong to go out and get plastered beyond belief. But is it REALLY a sin to have a glass of wine at dinner or drink champagne on New Years? It says in the Bible not to be "drunk" with wine...which obviously means don't go out and take shots of Tequila at the bar to get hammered. But a drink or two socially or for an occasion doesn't seem to apply here. Is it taught that any and all alcohol is sinful because they would then have to somehow draw a "line" as to what is wrong and what is okay?




  1. I think 1 Corinthians 10:21-33 sum it up quite well.

    v23 Alcohol is permissable for a Christian to drink - it is not always beneficial, ie you might have a problem with alcohol so you should abstain in that case.

    v24 Your drinking should be done in the consideration of others. If I am with someone who struggles with alcohol, I will not tempt him or cause him to stumble by drinking at that time.

    V31 In everything you do you should glorify God. Only drink if it will golrify God and not hinder the Gospel


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