
Christianity and evil people ....?

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There is no doubt that there are a lot of "nice" Christians

However and we all know and have met these people - there are a lot of really bad ones - hypocrites out right evil and just plain mean people that are attracted to Christianity and claim to be one of them


So - are they attracted to this religon because it seems like a good herd of nice people to plunder ? Wolves amongst the sheep as the "Christians" would say

Or is it because they feel something is really wrong with them and that god would change their very nature - and then didn't ?

Or is it that Christians merely make up a % of the population and therefore a 5 of the sociopaths the murders the child molester and so forth - Meaning - that all their claims are pretty much false and they as a group fall into a statistical norm

Or that some outside force really is attacking them and making them do bad things ?

As an aside all the really nasty perverts and so on that I have met have all claimed to be Christians - again I am not taking away from the "good" one but all of the extremes (before they got caught and repented in jail) have always said - "I am a Christian"

Whats up with that ? What has been your experiences and what do you think is the cause of that ?




  1. You mostly answered your own question.  People do what is right and people do what is not right.  A certain percentage of any group will be what you call evil.  

    Another problem is that many claim to be "Christian" by birthright or by association with a Christian group.  They may think they are Christians or they may just claim such when such a claim is convenient.

    Of the hundreds of Christians I associate with, not one of them that I am aware of has been arrested for any major crime.  A few motor-vehicle violations, maybe a couple of recovering alcoholics that fell off the wagon, one or two who I think have a poor attitude and bad temper, but as a whole they are good people who are trying to live morally.  The real situation is that some claim to be Christians who do not fully trust and obey.  This gives a black-eye to those who are trying to be morally responsible.

    Of the non-believers I know, I can say the same.  

  2. I'm not sure... but I have noticed there are mean Christians and good ones.

    But then again I do see Atheist that post more "aren't Christians this..."

    More than Christians.

    So that proves all people hate, and there is evil people.

  3. the thing is sadly that anyone can claim to be something... and they may not be that thing... just like i can claim that i am an atheist but that doesn't make me one...

  4. Christians actually do comprise a proportionally greater percentage of the prison population:

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