
Christianity and veganism?

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Im a vegan.

And kind of a christian

I was wndering if there was any vegan christians, who have really devoted tere lifes to god.

Whats everyones opinion on christianity and veganism, do they go together?

Also..... are they any chrsitians here who are not vegans, Whats YOUR opinion on veganism?




  1. I think the two go together quite well.

    That's the website that I usually tell my Christian friends about when they want info on the subject.

  2. The bible says that we're allowed to eat meat, but it doesn't say we have to. I am a Christian and not a vegan, but I don't think there's anything wrong with being a vegan. You're probably a lot healthier than the rest of us. I just like meat too much...

    Being a Christian does not mean that your entire life needs to be dictated by the Christian "norm." Christians can be vegans or pig farmers, democrats or republicans, sci-fi nerds or reality TV junkies, doctors or janitors...What's important is that you "love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your mind and all your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself."  

    hope that helps!

  3. I am not very good with religion, but didn't God make Adam and Eve as his perfect model humans?  Adam and Eve were vegan seeing as they were told to eat all the green of the planet.  It's not until sin that people start to eat meat.  That told, it sounds as if the Bible's perfect diet is veganism.

  4. hi!

    i'm a Christian vegetarian, like many others on this site.

    i think veganism Christianity go well together! here is why:

    Jesus taught about love for others, compassion, and mercy. Even if the Bible tells us that we CAN eat meat, it doesn't say that we HAVE to. I try my best to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and I think that being a vegetarian is a great way to exhibit the kindness and compassion that He taught of.

    Besides.....the Bible says "Thou shalt not kill".......not "Thou shalt not kill other humans." God only gave humans the permission to eat meat after the flood because there was no vegetation. Even then He said that it would have to be free of blood and that eating animals would cause them to fear us and attack us. Think about it....before the flood everyone MUST have been vegetarian....if people and animals were all eating each other, how would they have been able to stay on an ark together without mass slaughter? Doesn't make sense, does it? If you read Genesis 9, you will see all of this play out.

    Also, think about the Lord's Prayer...part of it is:

    "Thy kingdome come, Thy will be done

    on Earth as it is in Heaven."

    There is no killing in Heaven, as the lion will lay with the lamb. If we are supposed to be doing God's will as it is in Heaven, we should do no killing of living beings either. Just a thought. =)

    when all else fails, i just show people this:

    "Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground--everything that has the breath of life in it--I give every green plant for food." And it was so." Genesis 1:29

    whatever you believe, just make sure you know why you believe it. don't believe that Jesus ate meat just because your overweight pastor told you so.....the Bible requires contemplation.

    i recommend asking some Seventh-Day Adventists about this....they are a Christian church that preaches the values of vegetarianism to their followers.

    i also STRONGLY recommend you visit

    it is run by PETA, who i don't necessarily agree with, but if nothing else it will really get you thinking! good luck on your spiritual journey.


    I wish you the best on your spiritual journey, and with veganism, too =).

  5. i think veg*nism and christianity go very well together! i feel like if you believe god created us and the earth and if jesus' message was for peace.... then why would you want to eat god's creations? especially if they are suffering and in pain and being abused to get there? i don't think god would be happy with our treatment of his creations...

  6. Will i am a veggie and a devout christian.

    You made me smile when you said kind of christian,its a bit like saying I'm a little bit

    I'm not perfect,and god accepts that,if we were perfect we wouldn't need to pray for forgiveness i guess.

    Part of my vegetarianism is for my religious beliefs,but mainly its moral and personal choice.

    I have always been veggie.

    I think veganism is great,they are much better than me a mere veggie,i eat veggie cheese and eggs.

  7. You can eat whatever you want, Acts 10:9-13.  And Jesus is the "Lamb of God"!!!  If you want to eat veggen, then go ahead.  But the people who claim I should not eat meat are just plain wrong!

  8. Imagine what Jesus thinks about the way most people treat animals.  He has to be appalled.  It says in the Bible that we are allowed to eat animals, but it didn't say we were aloud to torture them.

    If anything I think Jesus loves vegans because we are about the only ones who won't support any of the cruelty to animals.  Vegetarians half heartedly won't support the cruelty, but still consuming eggs or milk still supports it...whether they like hearing that or not.  The meat, egg, and milk industry are all so tightly tied together that supporting one is like supporting the others.

    Christianity and veganism do fit together well.  Veganism fits into a lot of other religions too.  Good luck to you and don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't believe.

  9. Personally, I think they go well together.

    I'm Christian and I'm vegan.  I don't see/feel any conflict.

  10. Can't you be both. You could believe the message of the holy bible but carry on with your lifestyle. Don't just eat meat because the bible say's you are allowed to.

  11. Wow, Fabulous great answer.

    Jesus emphasised the importance of compassion for ALL God's creatures. Veganism respects the earth's balance- it's less environmentally damaging to be veggie or vegan. As a Christian, God wants you to look after the earth he created. So I think veganism and Christianity go very well together! :)

  12. well, im a vegitarian and a christian. i would like to become a vegan soon. i  think that anyone of any religon goes well with it.

  13. I don't see why they wouldn't go well together. Also, Seventh-day Adventists are a branch of christians who promote a vegetarian lifestyle in their beliefs/practices, so they're out there.

  14. I think you might enjoy some reading on the 7th Day Adventists (Loma Linda University is a good place to start). They tend to avoid meat, smoking, alcohol, etc. but are Christian.

    I also enjoyed this article called "What Jesus would eat Today?" which starts off with:

    "Does the Bible support vegetarianism?

    The Bible depicts vegetarianism as God’s ideal, with a peaceful, vegetarian world at the Creation and at the end of time, and the diet conforms to the central biblical principle of stewardship. God found everything in Eden "very good" immediately after giving all animals (and humans) a vegetarian diet (Genesis 1:29-30). Several prophecies, such as Isaiah 11:6-9, foresee a return to this vegetarian world, where the wolf, lamb, lion, cow, bear, snake, and little child all co-exist peacefully. Christian vegetarians believe we should strive towards the peaceful world Isaiah envisions; to try, in our own limited ways, to follow Christ's mission, expressed in the Lord's Prayer: "Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10, RSV)." but has a lot of good points past this.

    I am not religious in any form and know very little about Christianity. However, in the beginning of the bible it states that Adam and Eve were vegetarian in the Garden of Eden. It seems to me that if you want to be pure like they were before that changed, going vegetarian would be on that list? Well anyways, I thought this an interesting read so you might like the points made.

    Here are more good articles:

    And of course, there is the Christian Vegetarian Association:

  15. are u a chistian or a kind of a christian

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