
Christianity: brotherhood?

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why do christians mostly catholics and protestants condemn their brothers and do bad things about their brothers? example in the justice. they jury is catholic and the murderer is catholic who murdered his fellow catholic and the jury sentenced the murderer death.

and why do catholics and protestants dont expell their members that have committed serious crimes and disobeyed the very laws of the bible. example, why dont they expell the drug users and just accept them again if they are clean?

how do catholics and protestants mentain their brotherhood in the church because now i see the brotherhood is very unsettled.




  1. You're just "now" seeing this? Regardless, in matters of law, justice is supposed to be blind, so neither protestant nor catholic should be given a "free pass".

  2. If the jury sentenced the murderer to death, s/he likely deserved it. What has being Catholic got to do with it anyway???

    Churches accept drug users because Jesus does. Jesus forgives and restores.

    You sound like a very judgmental, legalistic individual. The message of Christianity is forgiveness and acceptance not having to pay for our sins. Jesus paid for our sins.

  3. an eye for an eye makes the world go blind

  4. First of all you need to find a christian right-man...

    However now it's the time that Christ will separate good men from wrong men with Justice...

    What can justice be for Christ if Jesus, the son of God and a Virgin, wouldn't be died...

    It's all...

  5. They do it in the name of God ..........God is pure unconditional Love.So someone has forgot that.As Gandhi said "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"  

  6. christians are forgiven..... and should forgive....

    im not saying forget.. and not punish either....  

  7. I think you're having CONCEPT problems.

    A brother is a BROTHER... Period.

    It's sorta like being a "ROCK".  If something is a ROCK then it has the characteristic of a rock.  If the rock falls and breaks an expensive piece of china... it's still a rock.

    If a "Brother" falters - they are still a brother.

    Love would dictate that you still pay for your crime.

    I hope that helps.

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