
Christianity was supported or rejected by Hitler ?

by Guest34224  |  earlier

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  1. Probably supported. He wanted to become a priest at one point in his life and supported the catholic church throughout his rule.

  2. According to the journals I read, he did have a very rudimentary deism.  But he often discounted Christian beliefs in these writings.  When he did make reference to God, he characterized him very capriciously, and sometimes incoherently.  Sometimes he seem to be equating God with nature, often even capitalizing the word nature.

    In my opinion I think he did believe that Christians themselves could be useful to him in the political short term.

    In other words he was willing to make certain concessions to Christian leaders in order to acquire power or other political ends.  Once his power became absolute hoiwever, he held no allegiance to any accommodations made by anyone.

    His political strategies and philosophies were in my humble opinion much more influenced by such things as the works of Friedrich Nietzsche or Eugenics than the Bible or any Christian Clergy.

    I do not read anything in the works of Friedrich Nietzsche that conflict with anything that Hitler or Stalin did.  However there is a great deal of contradiction in their intent and actions compared to Christian beliefs.

  3. supported

    he was Catholic but with very warped views on it

  4. christianity was rejected by  hitler   look how many jews he had put to death look at some of the other things he had done to some of his own people just for pleasure

    hitler was an evil man who wanted to rule  even the crypts and the bloods would not go into his "hood"

  5. Hitler killed 3 million catholics.  But everyone knows about the 6 million Jews.  Plus Yahoo made me capitalize Jews but not catholics....

  6. He did say he was Catholic, but never really denounced or preached it.  He probably personally disagreed with it, but if he did denounce it he would've lost support.  He focused more on the might and pride of germany, and didn't really involve himself too much in religious affairs, except making sure that the churches under his territories did not speak against the n**i government.

  7. i doubt that he supported Christianity as he had sent nearly as many Christians to the concentration camps as Jews.

  8. Its very odd

    He was a *Christian*, but was known to say things like...

    "National Socialism and religion cannot exist together.... The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew... Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things."


    "Christianity the liar.... We'll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State."

    "The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity. "

    Yet at the same time, a lot of n***s and their goons claimed to be "doing the Lord's work" and all be Christians.

    I wouldn't say he was anything other than a lunatic. It seems as though the n***s would pull the "Doing God's work!" card whenever it suited them, and then toss aside all forms of religion when the need passed...

  9. He was raised a roman catholic. I think it was supported.

  10. Hitler was raised Catholic and embraced and used the teachings during his rise to power, once he established his leadership he publicly renounced any belief in Christianity.  

  11. Supported.

    "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so." - Adolph Hitler to Gen. Gerhard Engel, 1941

  12. Hitler and the n***s were very religious.***s.htm,2144...,15...

    It seems religious extremism is often married to political extremism.

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