
Christians, I had a brain hemorrhage during my birth... why did 'God' let this happen? ?

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If God causes everything, why would he do this?




  1. I think the problem is with the assumption that God causes everything. Jesus taught that we live in a fallen world in which Satan is the evil god.  As such, satan rules according to his nature, which is to cause pain and suffering.  Adam and Eve handed over their own sovereignty to satan when they rebelled against God, and it took Jesus to win it back.   Lots of things happen in this world that don't make sense to us, and sometimes I think it's just a matter of beign in the wrong place at the wrong time.  BUT,  Jesus promises to work *ALL THINGS* together for our good if we love and trust Him.  Even the bad stuff can be used for our advantage.  Joni Earekson Tada has plenty to say about this.  She was made quadraplegic in a diving accident as a teenager and had to struggle with these questions.  Now she has a vibrant ministry and has reached many people with God's love.

  2. I don't know why God allowed you to have a brain hemorrhage while you were being born.  

    I don't know why my son has epilepsy--I'm just really glad he's here and alive.

    I do believe God has a purpose for everything.  I also believe we cannot always know it.

  3. God doesn't "cause everything". He allows things to happen for various reasons. He allows tests and trials maybe that was one of yours. How about thinking less on the misfortune of have a brain hemorrhage and more about the fact that you are still alive. Maybe you should praise him for a miracle instead of blaming him for a problem.

    EDIT: Just because you didn't know about it at the time doesn't mean anything. You can look back on it now and see God kept you alive. Maybe it was something your parents needed to learn from. He didn't make it happen but he let it happen for a reason. I don't know his reason why not ask him?

  4. He was trying to do you in before you could ask questions like this on y!a.  Your lucky he missed, God is a competent assassin according to the bible.

  5. It was Eve's fault.

    Isn't that who gets blamed for everything?

    Man oh man did those bronze-age goat herders that wrote the buy-bull hate women or what?

  6. this life is a test for hereafter ....and god always do justice...may be he will give you some reward in future

  7. Life without suffering would be meaningless. I think God wants us to learn how to deal with suffering with His help so that we can grow spiritually.

  8. God made the world. He sent his Son to save us from sin. Not to make the world perfect like the Garden of Eden again. You are alive, are you healthy? Have you gotten through these difficulties, even tho you don't seem to believe in God? God doesn't make our lives perfect, he is there to support us every step of the way. There will always be storms, just have faith you will get through the storm.

  9. The things that God does is always left a mystery.

    And hey, you "had" a brain hemorrhage but you're alive now, so shouldn't you be grateful?

  10. well, let me tell u a story,

    my brother kept running away, coming bak (on and on) from age 16 to 17.1 week after his 17th bday, he came home coz he was sick, he had pnemonia, then he got diagnosed with cancer - leukemia. the thing is, god gave him a second chance, made him realise how important life is, he saved him from worse things that wudve come next - drugs? etc - he is a good boy now and thanx god every day 4 what hes been through and appreciates life and family now. sometimes bad things happen to people to save them from bad things to come in the future, sometimes a bad thing or illness is a blessing in disguise??? thats what i believe and my brother 2.

    well u know about it now dont u? appreciate the fact that u got a 2nd chance maybe? even if it was years ago. life is a gift from god (i believe) i dunno. im sorry, but thats my thought, im just glad 2 have my brother back.

    ive seen so many patients die, cancer, tumors etc.

    im glad u got a second chance at life. not every1 does :(

    sorry 2 bug u.hope u find the answer ur lookin 4.

  11. God never said He causes everything - He said that He created everything. satan caused sicknesses, diseases, sorrow, and pain. God did not put this on you. Everyone wants to blame Him, their Maker & Creator, for all the bad things. Why doesn't any one blame the devil himself?  

  12. christans don`t know the answer as you can see...

  13. Because god was busy. Don't you know he has to kill one child every 2.5 seconds? He's got a big job, lots of responsibility.  

  14. I predict a lot of BS about "original sin" and how all of humanity deserves to suffer because some mythical female ate a piece of fruit, or that the affliction you suffered was supposed to "teach" you something.

    Christians:  Of God created the universe, then everything that happens in it is his responsibility.  Period.  Remember that according to your own Genesis story, all suffering is a result of a curse *FROM GOD* as a totally out-of-proportional punishment for a silly offense.

  15. Because god creates all things that includes all evil.  So that explains all of the bad things that happen.  it is gods will

  16. God doesn't cause everything so that negates any validity your question may have had, unless you're asking why God allowed you to live when other children who have had brain hemorrhages have died.

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