
Christians, Jews, Muslims,Buddhists, Atheist ?

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When are we all just going to get along in this world? Does it really matter what god or gods or whatever we believe worth fight for?




  1. IMO, we will all get along when some of us stop proselytizing to others in hopes to convert them.

  2. It wouldn't matter if the larger religious groups weren't trying to outbreed each other and force everyone to believe as they do.

  3. christian vs christian and christian vs everyone else is the norm.  

  4. It matters to me - and it CERTAINLY matters to the One and ONLY true and living God!  The creator of all the heavens and the earth.  

  5. It'll never happen.

    Humans are programmed to oppose each other to survive.

  6. THEY started it!

  7. Chances are we never will all get along.  I'm an offender myself...I was a christian, came out of the faith (actually was a minister) and now, I cannot help but feel sick when I think about the stuff that I stood for.  

    As for Mr. "christians rule..." it is exactly attitudes like that that cause people to not WANT to be christians.  What ever happened to the MEEK shall inherit the earth?  

  8. I like the thought, unfortunately most of those you addressed the question to are convinced that their God's are going to destroy and torture the rest of those you addressed.  So they are forced by human empathy to try and save us from their God's notion of Justice.

  9. GOD is a concept which has created mankind, this earth, sun, trees, planets, water and everything visible or non-visible (i.e. air, demons and angels, h**l and heaven etc). If there is a power which we all believe in and that has created all this universe, why can't it be seen??

    Now, I ask you a question. Who gave you birth?? Your Mother and Father right! If you can see the creator of your physical body, i.e. your Father and Mother, then why can't you see the creator of your soul and this whole universe. In fact, it is the birth right of every human being to see GOD!!

    You can see your parents thru your physical eyes, right! But GOD can't be seen by these Physical eyes! There is a third eye that is needed to be opened in order to see the GOD. Just like butter is there in the milk itself, but it can only be extracted thru a special process, as is fire is present in wood, but there is a special process needed to bring it out, i.e. rubbing it. That is how GOD can only be seen thru third eye or divine eye which is present in every human being.

    That third eye can be opened by a perfect master only!

    Now the good news, you can see GOD too. Visit

    Or if u want to ask any more questions, u r most welcome!!...Good Luck... :-)

  10. We're going to get along if we ALL integrate the muslim culture in our community.

    Like this things for example (please read);...;...

    The Main point is that Religion "Sometimes" is disgusting

  11. It will happen when our mythologies become outdated.

  12. only when religion is understood as being false. then there will be no religion. along with that, society needs to become more rational so as to educate the young so that they do not grow up with a perverted understanding of us all. They will understand that we are all similar, living, breathing humans, nothing more, nothing less.  

  13. Imagine a place where all have same religion, then there will be disputes based on race.

    Then, imagine a place where all have same religion and race, then there will be disputes based on age.  

    Then, imagine a place where all have same religion and race and age, then there will be disputes based on gender.

    Such is thhe nature of mankind, always looking for differences and quarrel.

    Then, imagine a big spaceship carrying thousands of alien landed at a place where people have different religion,race,age, etc. Now, for the first time, the people are aware of their similarity and they will unite as one to fight off those aliens.

  14. Never. Peace is never an option.

  15. Well from a believer's point of view it is.  I mean they are trying to help you from damnation and people refuse their pleas.  On the other hand real Atheists (not these liberal arts students who mostly lurk on the net) want to get people to think for themselves and try not to miss out on experiencing other cultures in the world.  They also keep the crazy ones well grounded so they don't go on witch hunts again.

    Plus we're human there will always be an Atheist who wants to abolish God from the world while there will be a Christian who wants to abolish every other God from the world.

  16. religion is th root of all evil

  17. hey, what about us pagans?

    thank you :D

    i try to spread a message of peace and religious tolerance whenever the subject gets brought up.

    all Christians, Muslims, and Jews can even admit that they worship the same god, the god of Abraham.  the only difference is who their prophets are.  

    It is my personal belief that all religions in the world, including Buddhism, the pagan religions, and any other that worship a god or gods or even nature are all worshiping slightly different aspects of the same thing.  religions are equal.

  18. I see you are another that does not know what an atheist is!!

    ATHEIST -  someone who does not believe in a God – any God – not just the Christian one.  But that does not mean they do not hold strong moral or religious beliefs!  They can follow any religion that does not have a god and there are a lot of those!!

    Such as BUDDHISM – Religious teaching from Buddha and his followers that by destroying greed, hatred and delusion (the cause of all suffering) man can attain perfect enlightenment!!

    The majority of the world are atheist or atheistic religions the Christians and Muslims combined are still far less than a third of the world population!!

    The two religions that have the god are the only ones that are contentious.  Islam because of a handful of terrorists and Sharia law but not for their general behavior.

    It is only the Christians that are the problem!!

    Ask yourself why it is only Christians that get attacked and not the other religions?!!!!

    Do you not recognise that Christians are provoking retaliation and repudiation for their terrible attitudes?!!

    Perhaps if Christians stopped their intolerant, egotistical, hate filled and bigoted postings things might change!!

    Perhaps if Christians stopped eschewing education, science, evolution works of fiction and much, much more things might change!!

    Perhaps if Christians stopped being the only religion opposing human rights and persecuting g**s, pro choice and so much more things might change!!

    Perhaps if Christians stopped demanding freedom of religion whilst they deny it to all non Christians and persecute them things might change!! !!!

    If Christians rediscovered the god of love and forgiveness and put aside all those terrible human emotions things would definitely change!!!!

  19. Those who know their God cant compromise on the truth. If the truth is compromised then its no longer the truth. Its a lie. God cares 4 & upholds the truth that remains intact forever (even if God didnt exist which is impossible) - the truth is what keeps God perfect. 2 so-called get along 1 must set aside the truth meaning 1 must accept certain sins as being ok 2 ignore - the things that the God of Israel has declared abominations since the beginning (such as idol worship & being g*y) b/c anything thats outside the truth cant be allowed 2 enter Heaven. While many foolish men will set aside the truth God is in charge & Judgment will take place dispite their desparate desire not 2 face the truth.

    In the Bible it warns us that we rnt 2 trust humans, not even ourselves (Jer 10:2-5,23; Is 2:22; Job 12:11; Prov 14:12; Acts 17:11). So carefully think over what I say. Dont just believe or disregard what I write. It might save u from making the same mistakes many have made, getting caught up in religious beliefs that have nothing 2 do with finding & knowing God.

    The main point many miss is Jesus Christ is the only 1 in history whom stated that He's "the" way, "the" truth & "the" life & no 1 gets 2 God except by Him (Jn 14:6; 5:39; 10:1,7; Acts 4:12) & is the only 1 whom came from God. Its fully true or theres no truth & cant be any God (He knows what He's doing or He' cant be God).

    Since Jesus is the only way 2 know God, it means "the" whole truth was complete & finished thru Jesus' teaching. This means any claimed new teaching & any other religious beliefs or from self-proclaimed prophets & teachers r invalid, null & void & cant lead u 2 our real God. But I can assure u God always knew all Jesus was 2 speak & do & all the dumb things man would do.

    But, heres evidence God knows what He is doing. Jesus couldntve done nor said what He did unless He had full understanding of the entire Old Testament (the New Testament didnt exist @ the time of Jesus - the only way Jesus couldve known the whole OT is if God was with Him). & the Apostles couldnt remember & write down the NT unless Jesus allowed them to remember & know what He was here 4 (Lk 24:25-27,45). None of this was possible unless an incredibly Intelligent Being caused it.

    But God outsmarted man, b/c the Bible's the only 1 known 2 man that cant be properly understood without going thru Jesus (Jn 14:6; II Cor 3:14 - If the Jewish people cant pierce the veil over the OT without going thu Jesus then rest-assurd neither can all gentiles). This is why theres many interpretations & people thinking its all just fairytales.

    Whoever seeks Jesus Christ with all his heart & soul will find Him (u shall know the truth & it will set u free). But u can lead a horse 2 water but u cant make them drink. Why should God want u 2 live with Him forever if u dont want 2 know Him (reason 4 free will - Jn 1:12-13)? The truth of God remains forever while things of a man dies with him, including his religions & gods made in his image. Theres everlasting hope only in Jesus Christ.


  20. No it's not, and people ask why all the trouble in this world, it's not cuz of religions, its because God is disgusted by us fighting over who really worships him, there is only one God(whatever you call him).

    As for Pagans they don't seem to be concerned with what others worship. If they believe in many deities, well..I may not agree with them but they are not ones fighting this stupid war.

    Keep spreading this message, hopefully some people will listen.

  21. Never.  Even if we manage to set aside our religious differences (which we won't), we will just find another way to hate and divide each other.  It's hardwired into our genetics.

  22. We have alot in common.

    Christians and Atheists do not believe in the other religions.

    Jews and Atheists do not believe in the other religions.

    Muslims and Atheists do not believe in the other religions.

    Buddhists and Atheists do not believe in the other religions.

  23. Yeah we will all get along once the last man on earth is dead. Sadly we all hate each other because we fear being wrong and although many of us preach teachings of peace and love we do not take those words seriously.

    If we would all stop fighting with each other we could make this world beautiful and help those who need help. Instead we spend more time bashing and hating and not enough time practicing the good Samaritan virtues that are taught in almost every religion.  

  24. You seem highly misinformed.  No one fights over religion.  People who have no religion or a very sinister religion reign in the highest places.  They start wars for things like dominion and oil.  Then we follow them in their wars by coercion.  They use things like our religious beliefs and our sense of national security to use us for their goals.  Isn't that apparent?

  25. yes. it could end if we study religion, and use our mind and choose the right one.... and started to worry about the life after death.. then all this will end...  

  26. when people stop pushing their religions on others.  

  27. I believe everyone should be respected for their beliefs. But unfortunately, this world belongs to satan and he loves war and confusion.

  28. As long as we use religion and God as an excuse to do wrong, and as long as we show disrespect to other peoples religions and beliefs, and as long as we blame one another and use war as a solution and reaction to our problems,  there will be no peace.  

  29. yeah you have a good point its not worth arguing and fighting over all our beliefs no matter how different they are you can still believe whatever you want to believe as long as your not hurting or killing anything or anyone highly doubt all of us are going to get along anytime soon we all think differently not just when it comes to religion its what makes us human im guessing the only time we do all get along is after the end of the world (in religious terms that is) but still gota stick with god and jesus christian for life!!! and god bless to everyone out there :]

  30. When I was young, I did not believe in God. I grew up a little, I made my own Gods. This eventually brought me to the pagan path. While on that path I read of Buddhism. Eventually I was brought to Jesus Christ. I have been here with Him for a while now. My point? I respect all religions, all cultures. I may not agree with everything, and I think at a point Nations just need to "agree to disagree". On how many points? I don't know. I'm not one of the "Great Thinkers" of our age.

    We will be able to "get along" when we stop letting our government and other factions from splitting us apart. We have to agree that there are some "grey issues" in life.... and find a better way to solve the problem than we have thought of over the years. To stop arguing over issues that lead to dead lock....why bother? Find a new way to help the world.

  31. Not a theist, are you?  So, as an atheist, will you confess your beliefs and say they are just your opinion or will you be like most atheists who say they don't have any beliefs and then state demonstrate they have a strong belief in what is right and what is wrong.

    The only way your proposal works is if there is no "right or wrong."  But all on your list has a strong belief in what is right and was is wrong include or especially atheist.  So I guess the hawks will have their way.

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