
Christians, Palin wants to bring Creationism to the class rooms of the United states,do you agree with that?

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is this going to make you vote for the Republican party?




  1. I'm an Aussie so this doesn't directly effect me.

    I think that is wrong. Why do americans kick up such a stink about why the theory of evolution is being taught in school? What's the big deal. Do you want the rest of the world to laugh at you (not that they already don't) but you get the idea.

  2. You might not realize that Creationism is a handout that says... Some people have the opinion that God created the world and everything in it, and that this can help to explain the gaps that evolutionary theory cannot explain.

    My wife may go home to vote, but I am a Canadian.

  3. no!

  4. It's a good idea, yes.

    It has no bearing on anything political.

  5. From what I've heard, she only states that she "believes in a Creator". She only said that she was open to having both sides of the argument openly debated in a class on origins. She believes according to what the Supreme Court says - that teachers are already free under the Constitution to teach any and all theories concerning origins in the classroom. She disagrees with "equal time" laws that would force atheist teachers to teach creation, because of their lack of knowledge would teach it poorly, and I agree. But those who are willing and knowledgeable on the subject should be free to discuss it.  

  6. She is the last thing the Republicans needed.  

    She is the nail in their coffin.

  7. She also wants abstinence only s*x ed.  Ironic, much?

  8. She needs to be worrying more about s*x education, obviously  

  9. As long as they teach the gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as well then it's ok by me.

  10. NO. NO. AND NO. CREATIONISM IS RELIGIOUS. Separate! We're supposed to keep them separate!  

  11. So what? Evolution has been in schools for how long now? And no one's made such a fuss that it's gone. It's still there. All of a sudden, BAM, Creationism is brought up and a war is started. It's only proof that those that don't believe in Creationism are just as bad as those that DO believe when it comes to debatable matters such as this. BOTH sides whine and complain like spoiled babies until they get their way.

    Just teach both in the classroom and let your kid pick which one he wants. Maybe that'll shut everyone up for good.

  12. This allegation may not help. Try to find something more tangible.

  13. nowt to do with this question i know,,but who are the 12 gods your a slave to     ? ? ? ?                                            

  14. Yes I long as evolution is taught, creationism should be taught along with it.

    This is not a deciding factor for me to vote for the Republican Party.

  15. First, it would be great to see evolution removed from the classrooms. But if she is successful in getting Creationism taught there may yet be blessings of God ahead for the good old US of A.

  16. No, I don't.  75% of the Christians in the united states churches also don't agree with that.  Pretty much only the fundamentalists, evangelicals, biblical literalists, young earth creationists, and people who believe in intelligent design reject the theory of evolution.  The roman catholic church, eastern orthodox church, most non-denomination churches, etc, heck even most branches of judaism, accept the theory of evolution (with the caveat that god started the process or gave humans the divine spark, etc) and the bible isn't meant to be read literally.

    I wouldn't mind if there were discussion of creationism in school... but not in science class, that is the entirely inappropriate place for it.  Philosophy would be an appropriate place or a class on world religions.

  17. Palin is an idiot in so many ways. McCain is a complete moron for even suggesting her...Well at least he won't win now.

  18. Are you serious?

    Wow, they really want to keep people dumb over there, easier to control.

  19. No, the only thing Sarah Palin has the right to advocate is the creationism of unwanted children by her teenage daughter

  20. Who cares?  She's not going to win. =)

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