
Christians, What does it mean to be "inspired" by God?

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Can one claim to be the "spokesperson" or "channel of communication" between God and Man and yet not be "inspired"?

If so, How is this possible?




  1. Inspiration comes from knowing the spiritual world that's in another dimension. There is some connection to God in that dimension, but not like a person who Knows God, of course. Without having a higher consciousness, a person shouldn't be saying that they are a channel to God. Even the Pope and his holier than thou pretense is wrong and a lie and he should stop.

  2. To me it means like this;

    one night the Lord woke me up and said "get paper and pencil and write"

    I did and a song came into my being with the words  and I wrote the words and can still sing the song to this day;

    there are 15 stansas;

    I never learned music;

    that shows me how the Bible came to be  

  3. If you mean inspired by the Holy Spirit, then No.  For in all indications in the bible, the prophets of Old and New Testament were filled with the Holy Spirit, every one of them.

    I am not much of a demon preaching man, but as it is written, "Satan goes to and from the earth searching for things to devour."  For he is the great deceiver.  It even says in the bible, "There will be false prophets."  And one way to measure a prophet is by there accuracy.  All of Gods prophets where 100% without error.  And if they are not they were denounced.  

  4. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. (II Tim 3:16)

    theopneustos = inspired by God or God breathed.


    The Watchtower; June 15, 1951; p. 375 states that a person need be fed by them:

    But if each of us were left to himself just because he has a copy of the Bible and were to direct his movements independently as he thought he understood the Word, what? It is likely, or possible, that there would be a great deal of confusion or working in competition among us. Hence, besides individually possessing God's Word, we need a theocratic organization. Yes, besides having God's spirit of illumination, a Christian needs Jehovah's theocratic organization in order to understand the Bible.

    The Bible -

    Directed by Holy Spirit = Inspired

    Infallible (no errors)

    Watchtower -

    Directed by Holy Spirit = Inspired

    Fallible (contains errors)


    Working it both ways:

    The Governing Body is a group of men claiming to be the means by which God communicates:

    The Watchtower 1992 Mar. 15 pp.21-22 “We will also increase our joy if we prayerfully and diligently study God's spirit-inspired Word and  Christian publications prepared under the spirit's guidance."


    The Governing Body claims they are not inspiried:

    "The Governing Body consists of a group of anointed Christian men …These preside over the worldwide activities of Jehovah's Witnesses. They are not inspired by God and hence are not infallible, but they rely on God's infallible Word as the highest authority on earth." Jehovah's Witnesses - Unitedly Doing God's Will Worldwide p.26

  5. it means that yes you accept god in your life, that his words has touched your soul.

    but i dont believe in god, its nonsense.

  6. its a load of bs

  7. They mean they're inspired to follow the teachings of the character Jesus in their Bible.

  8. talking to god is being faithful, god talking to you is being schizophrenic  

  9. No. We are all to be considered "inspired", and therefore, spokesman. This is possible through knowing the Word, and walking the narrow path. You will, inevitably, run into opposition, and this is designed to strengthen your belief. Our commission is to "spread the Word", which makes us spokesmen, and that "command", is inspired by God. So we are, literally, both spokesmen, and inspired. Be well.

  10. They don't quite mean the same thing.  But if you claim to be a spokesman or the Channel of communication between God and man, then you would have to be one of two things.  Either you are inspired by God, or you are Jesus.  

    Now there is only one Organization that I know of that Claims to be the Channel of Communication and that is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.  

    The Organization operates under the confusing concept of 'Provisional Infallibility'. On the one hand, information contained in Watchtower is from God and accepted without question; on the other hand, the Watchtower admittedly contains significant mistakes.

    The Organization uses the irrational concept that Holy Spirit directes them but they are not inspired. This is illogical - inspired means to be directed by Holy Spirit. The concepts of infallibility and inspiration are simple, yet discussing them in line with Watchtower teachings becomes complicated because by definition it is impossible to have direction of Holy Spirit but not be inspired. According to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition:

    Infallible; "Incapable of erring" (therefore to be infallible means to be perfect)

    Inspire; "to affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence" (or in other words inspired means to be directed by Holy Spirit)

    Therefore, if the Organization claims the direction of Holy Spirit it is by definition claiming to be inspired. In this case, it cannot make mistakes, by definition, it should be infallible in the same way the Bible is infallible.

    "The holy spirit is the active force of the living God, which he sends out through his Son, Christ Jesus, and which operates toward Jehovah's people, enlightening and directing his theocratic organization on the earth today as it did in the days of the apostles." Watchtower 1959 Apr. 1 p.219

    However, the Society claims not to be inspired or infallible.

    "The Governing Body consists of a group of anointed Christian men …These preside over the worldwide activities of Jehovah's Witnesses. They are not inspired by God and hence are not infallible, but they rely on God's infallible Word as the highest authority on earth." Jehovah's Witnesses - Unitedly Doing God's Will Worldwide p.26

    "The brothers preparing these publications are not infallible. Their writings are not inspired as are those of Paul and the other Bible writers." Awake! 1993 Mar. 22 p.4

    It is a contradiction for the Governing Body to say that they are not inspired in one article but that Holy Spirit directs them in another. Read together the following two statements are discernibly contradictory.

    "Jehovah God has made known to his anointed ones in advance what these scriptures mean." Watchtower 1931 June 1 p.160

    "Jehovah's people confess no powers of inspiration today" Watchtower 1952 Apr. 15 p.253

    I make no implication that individual members of Jehovah's Organization need to be infallible. As all humans are imperfect, God has always used imperfect humans, such as Moses, David and Paul. However, if God's Holy Spirit in the past inspired imperfect people to pen his perfect words infallibly in the Bible, and if his Holy Spirit is said to be directing Jehovah's people through the Watchtower in the same manner today, these directions are inspired and so must be infallible. If God's words are no longer infallible, then his current earthly channel is not being directed by Holy Spirit, as Jehovah's channel always has been. They should not demand unquestioning loyalty and do not have God's authority to strictly enforce obedience to Watchtower specific doctrinal interpretation.

    In other words, if their whole doctrine and the way they run their organization is not inspired, then their whole concept is out the window.  Oh, my just a thought, maybe that is why they don't have windows in their Kingdom Halls?

  11. Gaining a capacity to peer through deception is the only inspiration

    I can think of and really applies to any animate intelligent being.

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