
Christians, are you becoming desensitized to blasphemy?

by  |  earlier

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I was watching a show the other day and the priest literally shuddered while talking about someone who was blaspheming Jesus. I thought to myself ‘I’ve seen and read worse on YA’.

That made me worry that maybe I’m becoming a little desensitized to blasphemy after viewing so many questions, answers and avatars on YA that blatantly blaspheme our Lord. Does anyone else feel this way?




  1. Then my work here is done. :)

  2. sometimes yes.

    but that doesn't make it any less wrong.

  3. So...we should step it up? Now I have to come up with 'Extreme Blasphemelicious Heresy Plus' ?

  4. No, and I never will be.  I cringe when I hear them and yes, I see it here all the time and here I consider the source.

  5. They better repent, ask the Lord for forgiveness and turn  from their wicked ways, and realize that they are being deceived. God Is real. Jesus is real.

  6. Now that you mention it, yes...

  7. No matter what others say, my faith is strong. To me it matters not what comes out of others mouths, but my own.  

  8. You've joined the apathetic masses.

    He obviously still cares.

  9. I have no problem with Jesus just his so called conservative followers

  10. I'm used to the fact that it exists. That still doesn't make it right to me...

  11. No and not ever.  My life depends on it.

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