
Christians, can you name something within your faith that you don't have a logical answer for?

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You must have seen something by now that another faith -- or non-faith -- has pointed out as illogical, or right there in black and white, that you just have to bury your head in the sand about if you want to go on believing your faith. What's that weird thing that you can't resolve?




  1. Yes.  However, logic does not dictate matters of faith.  Logically how can something come from nothing?  This is the most difficult issue I have with regards to the beginning of the universe.  It takes a lot of faith to believe that somehow the beginning of the cosmos came from nothing.



  2. The thing which has caused me pause is how so many, who call themselves Christians and claim to be taught by the same Holy Spirit, can differ so extremely upon the same word of God.  This R&S site is a great example of this.  They seem sincere in their version of what they believe and would defend it to the death.  Why this exists is not completely clear to me.  I know that God both opens & blinds the spiritual eye, but why, is a mystery which God alone knows.

    I can only pray that my eyes are not darkened.  I get great consolation from John 7:16-18, Jesus tells us how to determine if the doctrine is OF God or of the man;  If the doctrine gives all the glory to God, "the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him".  When studying and receiving my answer, I try to ask, "To whom does it give the glory?".  If it glorifies God alone, I feel good about it.

  3. i am not a christian and i don't understand why they believe that jesus who they say is a god came to earth and killed himself for their sins.why would he kill himself for their sins when he is god?why not just forgive them?why come to this world to preach when he could send a prophet.

    by the way i am a muslim.

    edit:ha ha i agree with you about B.B

  4. I think I remember Adam & Eve had children then somewhere out of now where they found company. Unless they created some offspring with local Apes well where did these wifes come from.

    Starting with this christianity has a continuous flow of unlogical events.

    "Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch; and he built a city, and named it Enoch after his son Enoch. 18To Enoch was born Irad; and Irad was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael the father of Methushael, and Methushael the father of Lamech."

  5. why some christians feel superior to others when we all need God.

  6. I do not understand why people belong to cults.

  7. Nope!, Nothing at all.

    I did A-lot of research and studying

    Before I accepted a Bible book study

    from Jehovah's Servants.

    If something comes up,

    that I don't know about or understand....

    I go search, until I find the answer.

    If I need help, I ask for it.

    edit: o, I get a thumbs-down for "doing research," O.K.

    For searching out the truthful answer

    from God's Word the Bible. O.K.

    I'll take that.

  8. Nothing here !  FAITH dispels logic...

  9. what i always thought was weird was basically the old testament. adam and eve living 900 years and all that.  the inconsistencies regarding god's divine nature, the noah story, how he gathered all the animals, all that is a bit surreal to me, so i just ignore it and try not to think about it. i look at the old testament the same way i look at the greek legends, they're stories, and that's it, some of them might be true, you never know, but some are just fiction, legends from which we are supposed to draw lessons, that's all.

    at the same time i believe in every single miracle jesus made and i think it's his word that we should take since he truly is the son of god.

  10. If you do the proper research and study the original texts then you can find an answer, or at lease several possible answers, for all of these "contradictions" people claim to find in the bible.

  11. no i HATE christ

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