
Christians, did Jesus Christ prove something in order to save us?

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What is it? He did die for our sins.




  1. Newsflash:  he didn't save me and he most certainly did not die for my sins so don't you go putting the blame on me

  2. no answer for that!  

  3. No, Rather he saved us to prove something.. He loves us.

  4. He died to take the punishment of death upon himself for us.

    We deserve death because of Sin.

    Jesus died in our place.

    If we confess jesus as our savior are Sins are removed.

    If we do not we will pay the penalty of death for our own Sins.

  5. He proved his love for us by dieing..  He gave his own life so we can have life after death.

  6. He proved to us how much he loves and forgives us by dying in a cross and not letting his angels free him. He is giving us a chance for us to repent from our sins. With that, we are united with the father above.

  7. What saved us was his perfect life and innocent death to pay for our sins. He didn't have to prove anything, although his miracles and the way he lives his life tells us and other that he was truly the son of God.

    His death and resurrection proved that we are now worthy to be called God's children, and that with faith in Him and His son, we can receive eternal life and be united with Him when we die.

  8. He did not die for our sins.

    He died for our salvation from sin.

    His death destroyed death, the death from h**l.

    He rose again to restore our life, that is being renewed.

    He offered His own body, blood, soul and divinity in atonement for our sin and you still want proof?

  9. Adam and Eve brought sin unto themselves when they disobeyed God and ate of the fruit of knowledge.  God came into the Garden and found them hiding in a bush as they knew they were naked.  He covered their first sin with the blood of lamb. God later looked upon the earth and it was vile with sin and only one family served God.  Noah's family did and they were the only people to survive the great flood.  Thor-ought the bible man's short attention span and stupid decisions show that the law wasn't sufficient to bring salvation to man.  God looked upon the face of the earth and saw that not one person was worthy of the cause.  So his Spirit came over Mary and Jesus was born into this world a virgin mother who did not "know" her husband until after Jesus was born.  Jesus the combination of man's flesh and God's Word.  He  was tempted of all that we are and he didn't fall once.

    He laid down His life and Successfully changed the Covenant from Law to Grace.  The Law still applies, but Grace helps those who fall get back up again.

  10. Hi Dorthy...i think whats important to understand  is some background information and then we can propose what Jesus proved for our benifit.


    Us humans are a three part being...physical...intellectual and most important we may benifit physically by eating sleeping and exercising.....and we may benifit intellectually by learning and exercising our knowledge with others....but what of the spiritual?


    Spiritually there is a problem of sin that seperates us from a union with the old testament the jews practiced a ritual of sacrificing a

    animal that didnt have anything wrong with it,  as a way to make peace with God for sins man had committed...why?...because in every justice system there needs to be payment for wrong doing to satisfy the law of justice, to uphold what is was the same in the old testament times but people did not offer themselves, they offered something of value of their herd...a animal for payment...


    Now what did Jesus prove in order to save us?????????????


    He lead a holy life of obedience to God and became that sacrifice himself... to pay for the sinfulness of sin once and for this way our conscience can be freed from guilt of all the sins we committed in the past so that with a clear conscience  can be accepted by God to have union with God....God is holy and cant fellowship unclean things but if we are cleansed in the sacrifice of Jesus then we can approach God......This is what Jesus did......He opened a way to God that was closed before


    One last thing........if you had a very close friend and a situation arose that if you gave up your life you would ensure the survival of your best friend...would you do it?.....very few people would honestly give up their life for their best friend...of those that would....other people would be in admiration of such love; especially the one who got to listen to many people would wilfully die in the place for someone who was their enemy???? i say barely no-one would die out of love foe their enemy....BUT THATS EXACTLY WHAT JESUS DID....BECAUSE SINNERS ARE ENEMIES OF GOD BUT GOD SENT HIS ONLY SON TO PROVE HIS LOVE TO MANKIND....AND JESUS OBEYED AND WENT TO THE DEATH FOR THOSE WHO SPIT ON HIM

  11. You already knew: "He did die for our sins". That's the proof he made: you as well as others are worth trying to save.

  12. He's just some dead homeless hippie, get over it.

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