
Christians, do you spend more when your in fear, or in joy?

by  |  earlier

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blinky, I never said anything about sharing, but funny that if your in a good mood you usually give more so your right but I was talking about spending as an overall not just charity. Yes that is one branch.




  1. Fearing the Lord gives us immense pleasure. When you fear worldly matters, we don't give it a d**n; we fear only the Lord. We are secure in his hands. Nothing can harm us.

  2. In joy.  Even when fear comes upon us, we can have joy because of what our Savior has done fo all mankind.

  3. I spend more when Im bored.

  4. Joy!  I only fear when I think what if I haven't done something right especially since I haven't yet been baptized like the symbolic form you know done in church.  But yeah I don't really fear anymore because I know god helps me and I feel he's taken my fears over stupid pointless things like how I look etc and I feel so at peace (most of the time obviously I can have bad days).

  5. In joy, it makes sharing all the better.

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