
Christians, how do explain the fact that Paul believed that the world would end soon, but it didn't?

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It seems that Jesus also thought so, although to my reading it doesn't seem like the major theme of his teaching. Were they wrong?




  1. Look, are you testing us Christians or are you criticising the religion? Actually, what pagan religion are you? You are thinking of this too literally. Will the world actually end? Or will it just be the end of the human race? It always has a deeper meaning.

  2. why are you offended because we believe the world will end soon? yes let me repeat it for you one more time , as the apostle Paul and the Lord Jesus said , the world will end soon. this is what I believe as a christian. and  they (Paul and Jesus)were right as always , that is why christians follow them.

  3. It depends on what their perception of "soon" was. It's not specified, so how do we know that they are wrong?

  4. Paul also said that he became a new person, had to be born again, that didn't happen did it? Paul preached about a new Kingdom set up by the true God(Psalms83:18) and The KIng would be his beloved first born,Jesus Christ(Col 1:14). So all the things handed down to the Jews of that time, their laws and the prophecy's about the Messiah was fullfilled, when Jesus was born and he grew into a man, started his ministry he made this statement, " I did not come to do away with the law, I came to fulfill the law." Thereby starting a new way(early christians were called "The Way") of belief, so you could say the old way ended. In the Bible it states that often the term "the world" means mankind, and the "the heavens" mean what rule mankind. So the saying of a new heavens, and a new earth would mean a change of those that rule and a change of the ones being ruled. That would mean the old rule ended and the ways of mankind ended(changed). So Paul was correct in his statement as per your question, were the problem comes in is that most people don't read the Bible in it's entirety, so they get confused.

  5. Please return when you know what you are asking about, i.e. provide scripture, your comments are vague.

  6. Most all prophecies in the Bible have two fulfillments--then and a latter day (now).

    For example, Jesus prophecy at Matthew 24.  It applied to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70CE as well as today in the last days of this wicked system.  In both cases, Jesus provided a way of safety and warnings.  Especially Matthew 24:36,  "“Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. "

    This one sentence works on many levels.  For us, if Jesus did not know when, what chance does man have for anything but a guess?  Trinity is proved false as well, because to be equal and the same would mean knowledge would be equal too.  This is not the case.  Also, are lives are in good hands as God chooses the proper time when all good hearted people will have gotten to His true organization before it is too late for safety.  In 70CE, it was obeying Jesus properly as well.  Those that obeyed running immediately to the mountains without packing lived.  Those that stopped to pack, then go,  were all killed either by the Romans or the bandits along the way to the mountains of safety.

    Both Jesus and Paul understood it would be some time before this system ended.  However, when would each individual end?  It could be a hundred years from now, but if you die tomorrow, what difference would it make?  If you are planning next week to start living your life as God approves and you die tomorrow???? You just do  not make it.

    What they are both explaining is to do now what you should be doing as we are not guaranteed life tomorrow, certainly not next week or year.  So no matter when it comes, you will be taken care of.

    Jesus' main theme as is all true Christians to do everything to honor God's name, which is in English, Jehovah.  Everything he did including his death, was to bring honor to that name of his Father, Jehovah.  True Christians follow his example.

  7. " Soon" is relative to God. He operates outside of the time. Compared to the eternity this time here is very short, like a day with many naps.

    The signs have been among us through all the generations. The main thing is to be ready

  8. he was off his rocker?

  9. he was speaking to the final generation

  10. Paul was a man who had his own thoughts and opinions.  I know someone now who thinks the world is going to end in his lifetime.

    Jesus talked of His return and it says that one day for the Lord is as a thousand years for us.

    BLESSINS to you.  :]

  11. I won't try to explain something that you are uncertain of yourself. It may be a matter of perspective relating to "soon". Mankind is a 6000 year plan. A day is as 1000 years to God. He was crucified on day 4. there were only 2 days left. Perhaps Paul understood prophecy?

  12. They had no concept of time back then, and God doesnt either So soon to them could be 1 billion years from now. Thats why people say he may not come when you need him but he is always on time. His time is not our time.

  13. You may be reading into statements made by Paul, Peter, John and even Jesus about the end of the Jewish world, which occured 70AD with the destruction of theTemple in Jerusalem.

    For example, when Jesus spoke in Matthew 24, he stated that he was talking about the temple's destruction (verses 1-3), although many attempt to make this passage into an "end of the world" for everyone.

    John's revelation was much of the same ideology as Matthew 24, and he stated 7 times that the things he wrote about were at hand (beginning with Revelaiton 1:1)

  14. You're thinking of soon in your own limited understanding. Soon in God's time could be millions of years. And even Jesus and Paul didn't know when the world would end, Jesus said so himself.  

  15. it will be soon by God's standards

    need proof Read 2nd Timothy chapter 3 that will describe the days we are in.

  16. Yes you right, it does appear that way with paul and others, it is believed that a lot thought that too at the time, but Peter pointed to the Fact that a 1000 years to the Lord is like a day.

    Also if you see what Jesus was pointing  it was the destruction of Jerusalem, the temple was destroyed and over a million Jews died and some taken as slaves.

    As for seeing him coming in Glory , Well that is harder to explain, I am looking at this now and trying to find the meaning, up till now I see that St Stephan when being stoned as the First to die for the Gospel saw Jesus in his Glory, maybe more did also.

    It's a good question thanks for that.

  17. I think they were talking about the "human world" that existed in his and Jesus' time coming to an end by becoming more spiritual.

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