
Christians, how do you define the word "proof"?

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I am curious, when i ask for proof about god, i want to see if the answers i am given coincide with your definition of the word.

Thank you in advance




  1. Proof means beyond a shadow of a doubt.

  2. Proof is anything MORE than what we have seeing that what we have is not enough for you

  3. sorry , I had to answer ... I'm agnostic.  There is no proof of the existence of God . There is also no Proof that God doesn't exist ... Those who truly believe have taken a leap of faith , not logic .

      If you think this is a wrong thing to do ... think about how many things you believe in without ever seeing proof .. We all take different leaps of faith in life ... I respect those who believe in God as much as I respect those who don't .

        What I'll never respect is people telling me what I MUST believe in.

      P.S.  Heaven ... I don't trust you . I trust myself to find my own path . Finish growing up .. you are not yet forming your own thoughts . You are spouting nonsense fed to you by others .

  4. Apologies not needed. My definition of proof and my definition of faith both seem to be a bit out of the ordinary. Why is it that it seems nearly all atheists say there is no proof when in my opinion the only true statement would be that they are not aware of proof, or even evidence? Just because you have never seen an albino squirrel does not mean they do not exist. Proof of God? Maybe I have found, examined and carefully studied something you do not know exists. At one time there was no evidence of quarks. Did they suddenly start to exist simultaneously with when there was evidence and not before? Following the illogic of most Atheists to its logical extreme, there is no proof they exist. Do they go get their driver's licenses by saying, "You can't take my picture because I do not exist. Cars do not exist. There is no evidence you even exist. Absence of evidence is evidence of absence."  Cute but less than smart.

    Proof? Evidence? Look at everything, consider every possibility and then follow it wherever it leads. And even then keep an open mind. That is the only honest thing one can do.

    Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position. --Mahatma Gandhi, 1928

    A bit of trivia: Baha'is are supposed to teach their children about every religion and belief system, atheism included, and then let them make up their own minds.

    The Baha'i Faith is a solace to humankind." --Mahatma Gandhi, (Bombay Chronicle, May 24, 1944)

    Edit: Did I miss something? I was not aware of your saying anything about what was or was not good enough for you.

    Oh, never mind. I keep forgetting about all the people that make baseless as*-umptions.

  5. The Word of God - The Bible.


    The acts of fake Christians and Atheist, pagans and others.

    A lot of things trust me.

    - The facts that science shows only success, but hides all failures (because they've failed more than they succeeded, but they only tell of their successes because they're embarrassed .. trust me)

    - The Word of God (The Bible) = Where else will people follow morals, because without the Word and Knowledge of God.. we'll all be dead.

    - The Fake Christians and atheists, many people claim to be Christian, it's like gangsta.

    I could wear gangsta clothes, talk and walk like one, but am I one? Nope, I'm just a 14 year ol' Asian who lives life like a typical kid.

    Same thing with fake Christians, they just call themselves that, but they'll never be one. Do they act like one? Nope - and people base Christians on these fakers and never on the true Christians. You have no idea how wise and nice True Christians are...

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