
Christians, how do you handle the godless majority, world businesses/systems, etc, daily?

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I mean even things which are NOT considered evil, but are in fact pretty worldly/godless like talk shows, jay leno/letterman, celebrating holidays, (which alot of money goes into, like putting up fireworks), worldly governments, businesses, fashion, cars, cosmetics, money, this/that, etc.

Our society is slowly but surely turning into a crazy, sadistic, place, where we'll enjoy watching people get butchered on television eventually for ratings, I'm sure that it will come to that yet, no one can see that this is going on, or they don't care.

Basically to sum it all up, in today's society, anything goes, morals are becoming exinct, no one cares, and it's all pretty much going to h**l, yet......NO ONE admits to this, or cares, and even the people that do, think that somehow everything will work out, etc.

I mean, it's just annoying have to go up to lets say a world/business/work inclined yuppie, who's checking his portfolio and 401K, and asking him about world peace and God.

Or going even on talk shows like Dr.Phil, Oprah, Leno, etc and talking to these people ( who care more about money/fame/title) than they do about helping people, and asking them for help!

It's totally ridiculous.

People cannot see other people's true motives.




  1. godless majority

    wait, what?

    75% of this f****** country is christian.

    every freaking day.

    "YOU'RE GOING TO h**l YOU HEATHEN!!!!1!1!!!"

  2. All you can do is pray. Pray for those people. Pray for the lost. Pray for our world. I mostly like to pray for China. They are such a lost country. It's heartbreaking. But make sure everyone has a place for Jesus Christ in their heart right now. You never know when he might come and you're not ready for him. Don't make that mistake.

  3. You die for your Faith!

    Except no-one ever does nowadays!

    Where's your commitment?


  4. Pray without ceasing, be watchful and don't weary from doing what is right. Today is the day for salvation. Jesus' return is closer from when we first believed.

  5. I think the reason why God is allowing the world to become like this is He wants everyone to fully understand what is in store for them if they choose h**l over Him.

    As for us, we are God's ambassadors, offering anyone who wishes to defect from their kingdom of darkness, a way into God's kingdom. Keep your eye on God and keep your hand stretched out to your follow man, both Christian and other and let God direct you through the valley of death.

  6. First take comfort that you are not alone. I feel the same way you do and many other people do too. Remember we are not of this world. This world is ruled by things that are temporal and not eternal. When we become Christians we understand the importance of things that will last and these are love and goodwill. They don't include ego.

    I don't have TV because it's a lot of money for a lot of c**p. I rent videos I like, read books that reflect my values, spend a lot of time in nature because I feel closer to God there, answer only questions that interest me on yahoo and surround myself with like minded people.

  7. Don't let things bother you so much.  Just relax just live this life to the fullest.  This is the only one you get.....unless reincarnation is true but then you won't remember this life anyway so live it up!

  8. I don't watch TV.. And by the way people are already butchering one another for entertainment purposes... As for the other things I pretty much just read my bible and concentrate on Godly things.. For me not engaging in the worlds system it not much of a problem.. Hope this helped..God bless you !

  9. ignore them alot...

  10. Our morality en masse has improved. Things seem worse because of focus in the media.

    A lot of people think that our world is just a cesspool of degradation, but this seems to be an Abrahamic faith conclusion. Screamed about at the pulpit, repeated by its followers. They make it sound like because our world is so bad, that we do need some type of divine intervention.

    But its just not that way. Hundreds of years ago, there were no humanitarian organizations internationally. There WERE events to butcher people. Women were considered nothing more than just a vessel to grow a mans seed. There were barely any schools that enforced morality.

  11. I laugh a lot.

    I cry some.

    I pray a lot.

  12. l like watching television because this is what l learn from watching ungodly things like Dr Jokester Phil. I learn how not to walk, how not to talk and how not to be. If you look at television in a spiritual since, you can see the negativity in it and you can also see the positive in it. It's what you do with the positive and negative aspect of it. Do you say, dang l am glad l watched this because it taught me something or do you say, dang this sucks and useless. I love the Maury show cause it keeps me from going out here and fornicating and making all these babies. I never really thought much about those things when l was out here doing them but when l saw for myself how it is and what it can do to me if l didnt stop and slow my role. l stop doing it.  

  13. American tv is pretty tame compared to the rest of the world look at some japanese tv or even the english version of the office they use the F word and have more sexual references than our version and japanese tv i think is made to torture people but in funny costumes and brightly colored backgrounds    

  14. Christians live in the world, not apart from it.  Jesus acknowledged that there is a secular society in which we participate when he made the statement, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's.

  15. There is always a lot of godlessness in a rich nation.  The truth is some of the most powerful men of the Bible did things they were not very proud of, in other words it did not reflect there heart as God saw it, else God would of left them for destruction.  Take David, a king, a "man after God's own heart" He got caught up in murder, adultery, lying, and more.  But God looks on the heart, and when it comes down to it everyone no matter how much they try has an iron will to resist sin and temptation.  Jesus said he (or she) who sins much, is forgiven much (when they repent, turn away from there sin), therefore loves much.  The places you have eroded to void nothingness in your soul are the places God Spirit can restore most wonderfully, then you really know that "he is your redeemer, and mighty to save."  The city of Nineveh was about to be destroyed, and Jonah plainly told them so.  Well they repented, God spared that generation and more until they violated covenant with him again.  God gives you warning before he judges you, personally, and broadly as a nation I believe.

    oh yeah to answer your question, Christ has already "overcome the world" and we needn't worry, the victory is already won because God is absolutely unbeatable.  That means despite sin, God will surpass Sin with his Grace and power, nothing can out do him, particularly in the end.  All will be set to right one day when he calls for His accounting to begin.

  16. Considering that most of this society is Christian, that doesn't say much about the "Godly life".

    Though, it sounds like you're just mostly succumbing to fear-mongering.  Humans have been competitive since we first evolved.  But humans have also been nurturing and caring for that long.

    If you look at all people, we're pretty much the same and most of us are fairly decent, though we are also competitive.  Some people obsess about the competitive stuff, like money, fame, power, and those people tend to make headlines more.  However, most of us are just decent people trying to make a life for ourselves while we're around.

    Frankly, I think religions cause more division than anything else.  It is causing increasing harm to society.  I think that once we finally get past superstitious religious beliefs, we'll be one step closer to coming together as a society.

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