
Christians, how is proclaiming the gospel a part of our "priestly duty" before God?

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Paul said in Romans 15:16 that his proclaiming the gospel was his priestly duty. Is evangelism part of our priestly duty in this New Covenant and if so, how? Any thoughts or insights would be most appreciated! Thanks!;&version=31;





  2. Please stop trying to convert people.

    Passing out information for the free consumption of others is fine. Forcing your views on them door to door is just annoying.

  3. It is a way of spreading Gods word for all to hear...even if they have deaf ears.

  4. Ummm because Jesus said to do it...

    Mar 16:15  And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

    When the nation of Israel was created it was supposed to be a priestly kingdom spreading the knowledge of God to the world. Now Christians have that duty.

    1Pe 2:9  But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

  5. it's a way to spread the good news.

    also..."priest" are catholic now days, pastors are christian. and yes there is a HUGE difference.

  6. Matt 28:19-20 The great Commission says to go and make disciples of every nation baptizing them in the name of the Father , Son and Holy Spirit. God calls us to do this. Some people he sends out into the mission field and some stay right in the mission field where we live. Everywhere there is unsaved people is a mission field. I try to be the light. I teach Sunday school and serve in many community outreaches. We just had our Vacation Bible School a few weeks ago and had several kids from the community receive Christ. God uses us all in different ways. Some become part of a Street witnessing ministry or go to different countries to share the gospel and some do it by teaching in church or sharing at the grocery store. If I am an ambassador for Christ I should be sharing the gospel. I don't know if this answers exactly what you were looking for but it is what was on my heart.  

  7. We are also told:

    2 Timothy 4:2

    Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.

    So yes sharing the good news of Christ is obedience to God.

  8. There are many offices in the Body of Christ.  I think that if you were to assume the office of priest, God would have called you to do so.  Not everyone can a  be priest, some are teachers, speaker of tongues, interpreters etc.  

  9. Realize we are all priests as believers and followers of God.  There is not in true NT Christianity a body of clergy and a separate laity.  We are all priests of God and are to use our gifts to minister to each other (1 Pt 4:10).

    Evangelism (spreading the message of good news) is our duty.  This does not mean everyone I talk to about the gospel will listen -- this R&S forum is proof of that.  This does however mean I am to tell the good news.  People can be saved from a miserable life of selfishness and sin.  There is hope for eternity in Christ.  Scream it from the mountain top if you have to, but get the message out.

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