
Christians, if God wants me to worship him, why did he create me with an skeptic mind? ?

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Christians, if God wants me to worship him, why did he create me with an skeptic mind? ?




  1. Sigh... <3 Christian circular logic

  2. you will all ways have a  skeptic mind HE gives us a choice to worship  Him are not

  3. it is written about by i think paul of his disbelief,

    even though great miracle happened to him.

    it is free choice not to worship Him but to love Him,

    because then we know how to love, as at the momment we lust after only that we see.

  4. Because he wants you to make a choice to worship him. If he wanted to, he could force you, but he is NOT that type of God. He doesn't want forced worship, but genuine, chosen worship.

  5. Because he is not real ;)

  6. God gave you everything yo need to worship Him

    Satan made you a skeptic !



  7. Perhaps because he wants you to choose to do so in spite of your skeptism (a demonstration that you control your mind rather than your mind controlling you perhaps)...and...or...perhaps because you need your skeptical mind to distinguish between his message and the message of all the other "would-be" gods a person can choose to worship.

  8. That's a combination of reason and free will.  God knew we wouldn't just accept things blindly, that's why there are miracles.  Jesus performed the biggest of all, in coming back from the dead.  That's why 10 out of 12 apostles died for their beliefs.  That's why so many have been martyred. Reason is a big part of religion.

    That's not to say that some religious people aren't unreasonable--but reason is very important.

  9. You weren't created as a skeptic - you inherited the sin nature of your parents and ancestors back to Adam and Eve.

    You WERE born with a knowledge of God, however.  It's called "conscience" and you need to obey it and seek Gods salvation.

  10. John 10:27

    My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:(KJV)

    1 John 4:1

    Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.(KJV)

  11. God created people in his image and gave them the ability to live how they want.  When Eve and Adam disobeyed the one rule that God gave them, not to eat a certain type of fruit), he kicked them out of the garden of Eden and said that they could never be in the same place with him as they were there.  God loves us and as a loving father gives us the ability to choose what we want to do with our lives, follow him or turn the other way to distruction and fire.

    I hoped I was able to help in any way.  God bless.

  12. You have a choice to think and do as you please! If you have a sceptic mind, then at least you can think for yourself and you acknowledged  your opinion.  

  13. God could have created you with no mind at all. You'd be programmed to worship Him and perhaps shine His shoes all day long.

    A true act of worship comes from love. And the ability to choose or reject God that has been given to you is the truest form of love anyone can receive. Why? Because the risk of rejection on the part of God (the giver) is very real. And the freedom to accept or reject on your part (the receiver) is also very real. God did not create a skeptic. He created a rational man.

  14. he didnt all the people trying to pull you away from GOD are giving you that skeptic mind

  15. Free will, to see if you are right for heaven.

  16. free will does that to us.  I am a skeptic, but of other things.

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