
Christians, if Jesus died for your/our sins.......?

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Then why are there still christians and others who always commit sins?

What would be the point of life if not to be tested to see if we go down the wrong path (committing a sin)?

Come on now, God can't make it THAT easy for us now can He?




  1. I tend to think of God's forgiveness as like a safety net for WHEN we s***w up. We try not to sin, but the safety net is still for when it happens. Just because it's there, that doesn't mean we should abuse it all we want. Because we still get the physical consciences of our sins even after we are forgiving.

  2. because we still live in a sinful world that keeps pulling at you.

  3. Jesus didn't die so that we automatically stop sinning 100%. He died as payment for our sin, past, present, and future.

    Christians do not walk into sin, though we can be tempted. The sign of a true follower of Christ, though, is that you get out of it quick and ask forgiveness and turn away from it.

  4. Allahu La illaha ila

    The Prophet (saw) once said:

    "Do not praise me so much that u start to worship me like the christians do to the son of Maryam."

  5. We are still humans. We sin. Jesus dies so are sins can be FORGIVEN

  6. Our humanity has been given to us, so that we may freely choose to give to the Lord all of us [our souls, the real us], or none of us at all. He wanted [and wants] beings that would love Him without being compelled to [like the angels].

    When we reject Him, our humanity freely chooses to do what path we really want. Then the consequences fall upon uus.

  7. To tell you the truth.. The real reason I came to this question was your picture, lol. Anyway, first he did die for our sins, second the Bible says we will and always will be sinful until we are in heaven. It's IMPOSSIBLE for us to not sin. We try not to sin, though.

    Nice pic.. Lol!

    Edit: AHH!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE, I JUST GOTTA ADD YOU.. So hard to resist, the Patric Star name and picture.. Funny & Insulting


    Patrick Star is the Best

    Patrick's my favorite too! Spongebob's not that funny, its Patrick that's funny!

  8. God became a man in order to die for our sins.

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