
Christians, if a Satanist came (uninvited) to your door and tried to convert you how would you react?

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This person has brought pamphlets to show you and is offering you a mini-copy of Anton LeVay's Satanic Bible. What would you say or do to this person?




  1. i'd probably think the world really is turning to c**p now.  

  2. I think Da Bigs needs to educate himself on LeVayan philosophy before he commits acts of violence against people.

  3. Same thing I say to anybody else that comes to my door uninvited. No thank you

  4. I would politely tell that person that I am not interested and to have a lovely day. If he/she is persistent, than I would take their pamphlets to better understand their beliefs, but to let it go from here very nicely. It is as simple as that. And I would do this every time a Satanist came to my door. But that is just me.

  5. No one can convert another. You can only present them with convincing evidence.

    I'd react the same way I would with any religious door-knocker. Discuss politely.

  6. I would say, "Not interested."

  7. Since my God of the Bible is more powerful, smart, loving, and  the Creator and I do not want to worship Satan, I would say, No Thank You.

    ***“The demons believe" in God, and they “shudder” fearfully because destruction awaits them.  James 2:19

  8. i would take out a gun and shoot him before he tries 2 sacrafice me

  9. I would pray for him as I spoke with him.

    I wouldn't accept the book.  "Thanks I already read that."

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