
Christians, if homosexuality is a lifestyle choice and not genetics, is asexuality also a choice?

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Then why is there a distinction between asexuality and celibacy?

Surely if sexuality is a lifestyle choice, they should be the same thing?




  1. Asexuality is lacking sexual reproductive organs.  

    Celibacy is choosing to remain unmarried and abstain from s*x.

    I suggest you invest in a dictionary and a good Bible study class.

  2. Well Ethan, I know quite a few people who DID choose their sexuality here in New Orleans.  Not to sound sarcastic, but if they claim they were homosexuals in their youth and later, and CHOSE to change to heterosexuality, wouldn't that classify them as "selecting" a sexuality?  Or are you just going to deny them their right to be heterosexual just because you believe otherwise?

  3. Your predilections I'm sure are hard-wired - if they spent tens of millions of dollars looking for the genetic difference between a leg man and a breast man they'd find it.

    Your actions other than breathing and other brain stem functions are the result of choices.

    You should be free to make those choices as long as it doesn't harm anyone else - and that includes homosexual s*x as well as marriage - but you choose how and with whom to have s*x.

    But if you are free to make your choices, I must be free to make mine - and I choose not to subsidize the cost to treat people who become infected with STDs as a result of their exercise of their freedom of choice.  

    But I'm not allowed that choice.

    That's not fair.  It's a double standard.   It's not equal.

    Tax dollars should not be spent researching to find a cure for a disease when you can choose not to engage in the activities that put you in contact with the virus.   For the same reason that you should be free to make that choice.

    If you want to be free to engage in g*y s*x but think others should be forced to foot the bill for the consequences, then you do not believe in equality.   It is not equality you seek, but superiority.

    It's no different from people who want to ride motorcycles without helmets but then expect the State to pay to treat their head trauma.

  4. Ethan, you make a category error.  You mix how you are made (genetics) with tendencies/orientation, and then include behaviors.

    Humans are made with a single system of reproduction, based on recombinant DNA, to produce a new life. You can't change that without some major tweaking of the genome...and the result wouldn't be human.

    Lots of people with that single reproductive method chose to express it in a variety of ways.  That is orientation...based on what is interesting or pleasurable or whatever.  That is impulse or inclination or orientation.

    Then there is what you do about it.  If you choose to NOT express your sexuality it does not modify either your genetic make-up or your inclination...but it does change the behavior outcome.

    So asexuality is NO sexuality.  Celibacy is a choice to not exercise sexuality.  

  5. I'm a Christian... I do not believe that people who are g*y choose to be that way, they just are.  

  6. According to the behavior of some plants and bacteria sexuality and asexuality are a choice that seems to be made depending on circumstances.

    Celibacy on the other hand can be chosen by g**s or straights.

  7. Plants can't choose whether or not they can be asexual. There's a difference.

  8. its true that, the he first time mohammed married almost double his age older woman ( a mother figure)

    muslims say around age 40, mohammed attained prohpesy...

    after attaining prophesy only.. mohammed married that 6yrs old child girl and as soon as the child girl got matured(physically) he had s*x with her

    well, i tell you..

    MORALS are always MORALS, now or 1400 yrs ago, its not about Laws, its not about traditions, Mohammed was already a prohpet, supposed to have communication with God.. being a wise man, he shouldnt have done this, How can mohammed marry & have s*x with that Tiny girl? the girl though matured physically, she was still a child, she wasnt matured mentally at all

    (muslims support marrying the child girl by..

    Mohammed needed a wife to see his house hold things & to look after his children

    lmao, how can this 6 or 9 yr old girl look after his children & do house hold works? (child-labour?)

    and some say, he didnt have s*x at 9 may be later, they simply "lived" together

    well, if this was the case, why they started immidiately after her v****a got broadened? why not immidiatelly after marriage when she was at 6)

    and to SUPPORT women, he need not to MARRY every WIDOW, he can protect those women by simply Giving Maintanance Money & Ordering other Men around.. not to Harrass them Physically

    but this WISE Man.. wants s*x s*x.. Mohammed Lured.. someone else's Wives!

    its a bitter truth, mohammed was a characterless, woman-phycho

    Mohammed was supposed to eradicate bad systems, but he simply followed the tradition, Married TOO Many Women that he can shake his STICK at, this clearly states, he wasnt a prohpet, he was a "FAKE"

  9. I dont think God is against g*y

    because he create us in his imagine right

    and he knew how we would be before we know our self

    but most g*y were born or rape or treat in a way that makes them g*y

  10. I believe that homosexuals are born that way.  They can choose to be celibate.  Asexual people are born that way, no interest.  The difference between asexuality and celibacy is a matter of choice.  Asexual/no interest.  Celibate/choice.

    I have a question for you.  Is there anything I can say to change your opinion?  If not, then why do homosexuals expect society to change their opinions?  It is a very slow process, a generational process.  When I was a girl no one would associate with a divorced woman.  And any child she had would be shunned.  Look how far that has progressed.

  11. That's different. Jesus said,

    Matthew 19:12

    "For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mother’s womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He who is able to accept it, let him accept it.”

  12. We are all born with certain propensities toward certain sins. Some people drink (we call this alcoholism when in the extreme), some people lie (professionally we call these Lawyers), some people steal (kleptomania), and some people lust after things they aught not to, other peoples wives/husbands, children, the same s*x. Just because a person in born with a tendency does not make it right.

  13. I don't think it's a choice. I thinks it;s a matter of science. I am a Christian. I think we will hear more about a chemical called BPA which is a by product of the manufacture of plastics. Most notably plastic bottles. It is a component of the polymers/resins and leaches into the contents of that bottle. It is present in baby bottles for cripes sake. Worst being after it's run through a dishwasher. When this chemical enters your body, it mimicks Estrogen. It is gender bending sea life now.   Rivers that have this chemical present.  

    I don't know about you but I know tons of people who have bottles of water on their car seats or rolling around on the floor board. Hot - cold- hot is the worst thing.

    Canada has already classified this material as hazardous, The US has not.Research it for yourself. It's pretty wild sj*&.  I don't drink or buy anything in plastic.

    All the g*y people I know, assume the female role.

  14. I'm Christian, and I believe People who are g*y are born that way.

  15. Because Ethan.. Resisting the God given desire of being attracted to the opposite s*x. Is not the same as making the clear choice to engage in perverted sinful behavior. Your simply looking at it as behavior with nothing else attached... Not  differentiating  between the two...Hope this helped..God bless you !

  16. because people believe what they want to believe instead of what God says.

    A person can have no feelings about s*x or have feelings about s*x. To choose to live with no s*x is a choice.

    For people who have no feelings about it, it is easier then those who do have feelings about it.

    To live a life of celibacy means not to be married or engage in s*x.

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