
Christians, if you had been a citizen of Judea in the time of Jesus, would you have followed him?

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Or do you think you would have followed the established religion(s) instead?




  1. Given my rejection of the status quo misled me to atheism I would say yes.

    If I can recognize Christ as the messiah after that, I am sure that I would have recognized Him in person.

  2. I honestly cant answer that but I would hope I would have

  3. I'm not Christian but had to respond anyway. This really is one of the most thought provoking questions I've read on here in awhile. It's so easy for people to say "Oh yes, I'd follow Him without a doubt" as you sit safely behind your computer and "knowing" what you know now. I wonder how many have actually put themselves into the mindset of a 1st century Judean, one whose priests (rabbi's) were telling them that Jesus was a liar and a fake. They wouldn't dare go against the teachings of their faith now so what makes them so sure that they would be so anxious to do it then? My gut feeling is that they would abide by the words of their church leaders and totally disregard the rabblerouser. And at that time, the overwhelming majority of religious people did just that.

    20-20 hindsight is a beautiful thing.

  4. Like a moth to the flame.  

  5. i can say without a doubt the answer to your question is yes. if they follow god now then they will follow god then.

  6. i would have followed.

  7. Only if he called me.

    Remember, all those who followed were called by him. He said - John 15:16 "You have not chose me but I chose you."

    John 6:44 No one comes to the Son unless the Father calls them.

  8. If I had heard jesus preach and seen the miracles I would have followed Jesus.

  9. i could not tell you for sure... but i think i would have followed Jesus... i don't believe something because everyone else does... i believe it because i see it to be true with the information i have.

  10. I really cannot answer that; I mean I would say that I would follow Him. However, I say that while sitting at my computer. If I were walking the dirty streets of Judea, under the influence of both government and the opportunity of peace, I don't know if would follow Jesus or not.

  11. Honey, Jesus Himself followed the "established religion" of Judaism.  He was a Torah-observant Jew, as were His disciples.  So yes, I would definitely have followed Him as I do NOW.


  12. I like to think I would have followed Y'shua.

  13. I think that at the time of Christ, he was viewed summarily speaking, as a rock star would be viewed in this time and age.  Knowing myself, I would probably be reluctant to follow the herd, since I like to consider myself a bit of a maverick, but deep down, I would be curious to see for myself if the stories about him were true.  (Walking on water, raising the dead, healing the sick, putting the sanhedren in their place, feeding thousands with only one packet of crackers and some cheese..or whatever it was....)

    I would imagine that when I actually could get close enough to see him, I'd be pretty excited, but reserved, since I'm a realist and know that the chances of me getting that near someone like that would be slim to none.

    I do not know if I would follow him, since there is so much to do in those days.  I mean, people were freaking busy just getting water from the well so that everyone had enough to bathe in, drink, etc, and I would probably have like 12 kids by the time I was 35, so...yeah...I'd be too busy.

  14. I don't think modern Christians would follow him, he was Jewish, worshiped on the Sabbath, didn't celebrate Christmas, Halloween or New Year's day.  They would avoid him every time they saw him coming down the street.

  15. Since I am saved know I would have to guess that I would.  I have always been a bit of a rebel and Jesus really embodied that.  He went against established religion and preached about a relationship with the God that made the world and loves people.  He even claimed to be that very God in human flesh.  

    I think all the Jewish laws and tradition would have made life a huge hassle.  Leaving that would have been an easy choice.

  16. I believe I would.

  17. I like to think that I would have. However, organized religion is a very strong force, and so is political strife; there were plenty of both going around in Jesus' time. Although I would hope to have followed Jesus, I also have a strong urge to survive. Following Jesus could very well lead to my being shunned by established religion and getting tortured or killed by the Roman authorities. I might've followed Him, but there's a good chance that I might have also have kept my mouth shut. Who wants to be flogged or crucified?

  18. I think I would have followed Him.  

  19. If my mind, soul, and heart were the same...YES. :)

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