
Christians, please help me understand the meaning of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit...?

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Mark 3:28-29:

I tell you the truth, all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin."

What defines blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Simply rejecting Him or what?




  1. yes. it means the only sin that is not forgiven is when God tries to come in your heart and you reject him.

  2. yes, rejecting Him and never accepting Him through belief and love of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the only unforgivable sin.


  3. Rejection and also talking bad about God and also using their names when cussing  -  

  4. At Salvation you receive the Holy Spirit.

    The King James Version tells it like it is . . . Mark 3:28, 29

    "Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men,

    and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

    But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost:

    hath never forgiveness,

    but is in danger of eternal damnation."

    Blasphemy is rejecting God and if you blaspheme the Holy Ghost who comes to you with an invitation to accept Jesus at Salvation, then you have rejected the Holy Spirit or blasphemed against the Holy Ghost.

    Many times the Holy Spirit comes with an offer of salvation, but deliberate rejection of God's redeeming and cleansing power means you have chosen an evil other than the Son of God and at this point you've blasphemed the Holy Spirit and God turns you over to a depraved mind and to Satan himself.  

    Hebrews 10:31 "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."  

  5. This is a great question that has a lot of people even theologians discussing for its vague definition.

    I've heard it said that rejecting the work of the Holy Spirit (which is to gently convict of sin) is the unpardonable sin.  Yet all humanity has done that at one time or another.

    I believe the literal definition lends a better understanding: blasphemy (the Greek word's meaning) means speaking reproachfully or speak evil of (see link below).

    Since most people do not know of the Holy Spirit, most people do not partake in blasphemy of this third part of God's Person.  

    It takes someone who has known the Holy Spirit and turned away from God to be so brash as to blaspheme the most gentle and yet powerful part of the Trinity.

  6. I'm not a christian, but it means denying it's existence. Apparently if you do that, you can't get into heaven.

  7. Rejecting the Lord as your savior

  8. Rejecting the convictions of the holy spirit until after death.

    Receiving the mark of the beast.

    All are unforgivable.

    Mark 3 is referring to Jesus when he was alive, as the people who saw his miracles and knew he was the real thing but told him to his face that his works were of evil powers.

  9. Deliberately working against God and attributing his work to the devil.

  10. ''... and denying its power''

    someone explained it as seeing and knowing the divine power of the spirit of God and saying that it is not Him, particularly, that it is from the devil. the Spirit of God brings healing, strength, wisdom, peace, understanding, to mention but a few. if one knows that the Spirit has done these things and proclaims otherwise, one has committed blasphemy. ''not to us, not to us, but to your name by the glory'' the psalmist says. ''bel bows low'' Isaiah proclaims. it is up to us to give God, the Holy Spirit, the respect He is due. hey, let me tell you something cool about Paul's letters- you can read them like they are written to you because the Galatians, Ephesians, etc were new to the Most High, just like we are. whereas the Jews weren't so, frankly, they are addressed to us. God bless

  11. The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is to finally reject Jesus Christ as your Saviour from sin.

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