
Christians, seriously what is your answer to this:?

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Before we start, I am genuinely curious about the your answers this time, and I'm not just trying to undermine your religion.

My question is, and I'm sure you've heard it before, but here we go again: - "Could God create a rock so big he himself could not lift it?"

The Christian God - correct me if I'm wrong - is supposedly omnipotent, or all powerful - yet if he could create a rock so big that he couldn't lift it, he isn't all powerful. And if he couldn't create it, again he isn't all powerful. Therefore the concept of a anything being all-powerful is flawed. Which leads to the conclusion that a God cannot be omnipotent.

Your perspective?




  1. if he wanted to he could,but its such an oxymoron your asking!you see god created the earth and heavens and can hold them in his hands,why would he want to build something he couldnt pick up?he wouldnt want make a good point,such as wich came first,chicken or the egg?in my bible that answer is the chick,but im off your point here,sorry!hey i may add if god did make something he couldnt lift,it would be his choice to do so,so he still is omnipotent!oh and yes he could just with his force ask it to lift and it would without him laying a finger on it!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. God can do everything, even lift extremely heavy rocks that he created.

  3. Does it matter? You say it does, but does it really? If I said "Yes" would you believe in God? If I said "No" would that weaken your already feeble faith in God? I doubt it. So what is my opinion? When I was small, I could stand on my head: I was lifting the whole earth! If I, who was weak and weighed less than you do, could lift the whole earth, then surely, Jesus, who took all the sins of mankind, the sins being so bad they turned the sky black for 3 hours, can hold the whole universe. You accuse Jesus of lacking power: Go and look at the sky! Stand there and tell the wind to stop! The wind laughs at you, yet it obeyed Jesus! When you die you will meet Jesus, he will either be your friend or your Judge. What would you like him to be? Friend? Judge? Or do you think you will never die?

    Psalm 19:1, "How clearly the sky reveals God's glory! How plainly it shows what he has done!".  

  4. What would you say is the size of the rock that he could create that he couldn't lift?

  5. Can you ask a question so many times that no one will want to answer it?


  6. I bet you have a high IQ. because only someone with one would think of something like that. I know cause I have a high IQ.

    And you see God would not create a rock that he could not lift.

    1) God doesn't have to, the rock serves no purpose

    2) If God did create a rock like that for you he could do a lot more with it than just move it. how about getting water from it. or turn it into bread wouldn't that make you more happy. He can and has given Moses the ablity to drawn water from a rock. Satan asked Jesus to turn the rocks into bread but Jesus was fasting and said that you can't live on bread alone but the word of God.

    3) God's power is not about how much he can lift he's not a weight lifter. his power is about serving a purpose.  

  7. God will never do anything that violates His character. He is not a conundrum or a paradox.

  8. Not a christian, but I came up with a (sorta) answer to this.

    Gos creates the rock, then splits himself in two. One version of him cannot lift the rock, while the other can. :3

  9. You are imagining a God who comes equipped with a body, muscles and who has to contend with gravitation. I know atheists think Christians believe in "Father Christmas in the sky", but that kind of anthropomorphism is a bit rich even for atheists.

  10. Omnipotent (all powerful)

    Omniscient (all knowing)

    Omnibenevolent (all loving)

    There are things God can't do. He can't lie, or sin for instance. The point is ..Why would He. The agument has been answered by many theologians over hundreds of years.

    The word "omnipotent" is never used in the Bible, but has been inferred primarily by one of God's Hebrew titles, "Shadday," which is most often translated "almighty."

    God cannot do anything that is contrary to His holy character. However, God can do anything that He determines to do. This is a true meaning of omnipotence - the ability to do anything that one sets out to do.

    Since an all-powerful being will always be able to accomplish whatever He sets out to do, it is impossible for an all-powerful being to fail.  

  11. ha ha,  that's a funny little question there. It's like saying "which came first? the chicken or the egg"   The only answer to that and the answer to your question is "that a circle has no beginning or end"

    i got that answer in quotes from one of my favorite books

  12. Being omnipotent, all God would have to do is create this rock, then limit His own power for a period of time long enough to try to lift it, and fail. He could then restore Himself to His former state, once again making it possible for Him to lift the rock.

  13. Seeing as lies and hypocrisy is what religion revolves around, then yes, a 'god' could create a rock that was too big for it to lift, but because it is a 'god', it would be able to lift it anyway. Make heaps of sense right? No? Read the bible, it's FAR worse.

  14. Well the concept of all powerful is not flawed just your understanding of the term.  Nothing is more powerful than God so creating a task for himself that he could not accomplish is not an option.  He can do all and everything. Nothing is was or ever will be to big for God.  He could create a rock that he could not physically move if he chose to however, Even the earth is at his command so all he has to do is tell it to move and it would. There is nothing he can not accomplish.  Try asking him into your life and see what he can do for you. God Bless you.

  15. where do you want it at?

    Revelation 19:6

    And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.(KJV)

    Between people of different faiths, or indeed even between people of the same faith, the term omnipotent has been used to connote a number of different positions. These positions include, but are not limited to, the following:

    God is able to do anything, i. e. the answer to "can God do x" is always "yes", regardless of what x may be. However this leads to obvious contradictions and is a view rarely held by theologians.

    God is able to do anything that is logically possible for God to do[1].

    God is able to do anything that God chooses to do[2].

    God is able to do anything that is in accord with His own nature (thus, for instance, if it is a logical consequence of God's nature that what God speaks is truth, then God is not able to lie).

    Hold that it is part of God's nature to be consistent and that it would be inconsistent for God to go against His own laws unless there were a reason to do so.[3]

    Under many philosophical definitions of the term "God", senses 2, 3 and 4 can be shown to be equivalent. However, on all understandings of Omnipotence, it is generally held that God is able to intervene in the world by superseding the laws of physics, since they are not part of his nature, but the principles on which he has created the physical world. However many modern scholars (such as John Polkinghorne) hold that it is part of God's nature to be consistent and that it would be inconsistent for God to go against His own laws unless there were an overwhelming reason to do so.

    The ability to sin, for example, is not a power but a defect or an infirmity. In response to questions of God performing impossibilities (such as making square circles) Aquinas says that "Nothing which implies contradiction falls under the omnipotence of God.

  16. A rock is physical and God created physical.  God is spiritual.  The question is like someone asking you if you could draw a 2 dimensional picture so big that you could not draw it.  Of course, you are three dimensional and no two dimensional drawing it too difficult or impossible for you.  

  17. "God is not being nor yet goodness.

    There is no knowing what God is.

    Something we do know, namely,what God is not.

    In God is no good nor better nor best."

    Mesiter Eckhart

    God love you!

    I can only guide you up the mountain. YOU have to make the climb.

    Best regards.

  18. Will your logic save you on  the last day?  Is the bird in my hand alive or dead?

    God can do as he pleases and if he chose to create something and then removed his hand from it he could.  Thus, he could create a pebble and not lift it.  Does this remove his power?

    If he was not all powerful could he still destroy you?  He created a world and he created a place for those that refused to follow God.

  19. God  would  not have to lift  the rock

      all  he would have to do  is say,,rock be moved  and

      the rock  would  go  where he told it.

  20. lol!!!

    well I think that god has better things to do with his time!

    But if you were going to idk say.......... do somthing uncalled for that he didn't want to happen then yea because God can do anything just like we can if we put our mind to it!

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