
Christians, this (positive) question is for you :)?

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Man knows not of the vast secrets of the universe, and really, there is an infinite possibility of what the truth is. How can you be so sure that God is what brought us here and that Jesus is our savior. The probability of that being true is literally 1 out of infinity, as opposed to 1 out of 1.

It's actually quite admirable that Christians are so faithful. I went to church for 3 months or so and I tried my best and I just couldn't believe it. So yea, just wondering where the faith comes from.




  1. Faith comes from conviction. We have no doubt in our mind about the words of Jesus. He was truly here on earth and whatever he said, he did. He is only one that leads man to God. He is leading you directly to the creator. There is no other way to God than Jesus. We know it and we trust it. The Lord is with us each moment of our life.

  2. there is a God ... and proof of that is you , i and everybody else on this planet... even for big bang to happen someone must have created that matter right..... that some one is God... about Jesus being the son of God... well no tangible proof.. but yea... I believe his life and works were beyond human.. so he must have been God...  

  3. people dont just go to church and call themselves christian, theres a feeling you get that gives you proof that goes along with being saved. i am christian and personally hate church and dont go most chruches sterotype, judge and mock you, so if you ever go to church again go to nondinominational chruches. chruch is more for chistians who need support to substain their relationship with god and jesus.

  4. God.

  5. followers of Count Dracula, do same kind of things

  6. Yeah, atheism_and_rats, is right.

  7. It's all about your faith. When you really think about it science couldn't have made the start of time. Only really a supreme being (God) could have done it. If you believe, it can be true. I pray every night about things I need and when i'm desperate it comes. God provides!

  8. despite how intelligent humans are, we can still do amazing things like believe something wholeheartedly even though it goes against logic and reason. it is incredible, but also quite sad.  

  9. Christianity is not something that you try! And you will not receive knowledge of the mysteries of God, unless you believe, without seeing. God knows your heart, and sees if you are sincere. He doesn't play that game. Honestly, people, when will you get that?  

  10. You shouldn't need a church to find your faith. I say this loosely, because eventually you will in order to grow through community. I just mean that one doesn't specifically need to belong to a single designated religion, you can love God and Jesus Christ on your own accord. With his words in front of your eyes you will find a beautiful path to follow..

    In the beginning you should have many many questions. You have a book called the bible, and many resources that explain how to understand this book and decipher it, do research and discover what the book truly contains.

    The Bible is a book of prophecy, a book of history, a book of allegories, metaphors, and analogies. It teaches you on a physical level how to live right, it teaches you how to reach full spiritual fulfillment and overall shares all the secrets to your mind that you never though about looking for.

    Faith is the confidence in God's promises and Powers. God cannot lie, he can't lie for he is perfect goodness, so all things that he says is to be seen as truth. In this fact alone faith is easy to the open eyed non society brainwashed individual. Those who say that people with an Understanding of God are brainwashed are brainwashed themselves to think such things. Trust me they didnt come up with those opinions on their own. T.v helps hint hint

    The bible we have now is edited, their are many books left out etc. But the bulk is still there and is enough for anyone who wants to live just, and grasp the ultimate concept of loving all people as you do yourself, but that's only the beginning to true understanding.

    To answer your question, you should start with your own religious questions, and then find those answers in one form or a next. If your on the right path, you yourself by the power of Gods divine grace will begin to uncover things the world, and yourself that you had never known existed. Occurrences like these are what will begin to move your spirit towards faithfulness, and you will become blessed thus beginning your search for greater awareness of truth.

    Here are some first steps to take to find the truth about the bible and all of it's beautiful revealed truths.

    In this day and age, especially now, God and the Bible are your very best friend ;) Trust me on this one. But don't think you will pull a fast one on God by just looking over his words, read his words, love him, and he will love you honorably in return.

    God loves you and if you open your heart and become good for a minuet he will fill you with divine graces, just let him inside.


  11. It is brainwashed in by fear. Usually at a very early age.

  12. I'm a Christian that never attends a building that call themselves a church, but I believe I belong to Gods true Church,..which is a many membered body in the love of Jesus and His Word.  The Bible tells us that faith comes by hearing the Word of God.  Better to be faithful to God and His Word than a building of mans.

  13. The faith comes from with in you self and deep down in your heart you just need to believe in your self and christ and pray every day and he shal show you the way and answer any questions you may have but it just takes time for them to be answered but just know this he loves you nomatter what happens to us here on earth we will live again with him one day .

  14. God cuts through all that uncertainty with the Word, which is perfect and true. So here's how it actually goes: because of all the uncertainty, we can't possibly know for sure that we understand anything unless we are given an absolute truth from a higher being.

  15. There are 48 prophecies about Jesus Christ that came through on the money.  These include which city of birth, place of temporary lodging, home town, means of death, which tribe, what the Romans would do with his clothes while he was on the cross, year of crucifixion, etc.... all more than 500 years before he showed up.

    Figuring for the number of tribes, number of cities, the number of possibilities, the chances of all these things coming to pass on one man by chance is 1 in 10 to the 156th power.  There aren't that many electrons in the known universe.

    The math is on our side.

  16. Faith is about as easy to pin down as love or hate. I could no more explain it to you than I could explain why I like my favorite color, why I fell in love with my wife, or what's so great about fried chicken. It's just not one of those things that you can quantify and track it's movements.

  17. Faith comes by the hearing of the word. There is a point of reception to the spiritual word.  It is something that no one can describe until they have experienced it for themselves.

    Have you ever heard a story that made so much sense, that it filled in the blanks to every question you ever had? You nod in agreement, and accept it whole heartedly because it is the only answer that has ever made so much sense, it makes you speachless.

  18. For me it was because I met God and not religion!! If I'd met religion first with all it's rules, laws, unfriendliness and judgement I wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes!! :-)

    But I met God instead and my life is amazing now!! You see God thinks that you are absolutely fantastic, he loves you so much and wants to give you so many good things. Unfortuntely, religion gets in the way of that sometimes and dictates that you need to change before you can come to God but the reverse is actually true. You don't have to do a thing to change before you meet God, he loves you exactly as you are right now.

    So for me, my faith comes directly from God. I couldn't even cnsider thinking that he doesn't exist because of the way he has transformed my life!! Hope that answers your question x

  19. Here

  20. Faith. plain and simple. i gave Jesus my life and I have seen amazing things, i went on a missions trip and i prayed with others and saw a mans leg that had been amputated get healed of infection. it was AMAZING! but thats not why i believe, im 17 years old and i live on my own halfway across the country from my broken family and a mom that left me scars and locked me in my bedroom for days at a time. i wouldnt be here today if it werent for Christ and his never failing love. and its not always easy to believe, alot of days i dont feel like a Christian. but thats where faith comes in. God bless ya man, i hope that you will let Jesus lead your life!

  21. We fear the wrath of God, who hath created-eth-d us.  

  22. my faith comes literally from psalms 22 it was written over 1000 years b4 Christ existed yet it predicts everything about Him . His birth death, resurrection, the very words He would say on the cross even the fact that the roman soldiers would gamble for His clothing then over 1000 years later it comes to pass exactly as it is written

    if you take time (a little each day) to read the bible you will see that it is the only "book" where you can read of MANY prediction that are exact without ambiguity, that come to pass exactly as they are written even today. here's a little more modern one israel was conquered many many years ago but God said that israel would come back unto it's own meaning it would become a nation again and this would be the beginning of the generation of the fig. on (i believe) may 15th of 1948 israel became israel again you can find this in any history book

    there are many such prophecies in the bible i will list just 1 more  we are in the 5th seal the teaching seal. the prophecy says that during the fifth seal God's word would be taught  at all four corners of the world think about this is there any place on this planet that satellites can not go and there for the internet by wifi or t1 etc?

    no none u can literally pick up satellite everywhere so the internet is there and also the teaching of God's word these are not coincidences they were predicted more than 200 years ago. they were written and so they have come to pass no accidents no coincidences just facts and accurate predictions if this is not enough proof for you i ask how much is enough?

  23. you can just feel it, ask jesus to come into your heart and ask for the holy spirt,

  24. god is real thats the reason were here today we didnt come from monkeys.people can go to church all there life and not get anything out of it and the reason for that is you have to want god to come into your life ask and you shall recieve knock and the door shall open

    what im trying to say is god is real there is a heaven and a h**l and its up to you were you go god is knocking on your heart let him in and you will see the wonders of god .god bless you  

  25. you guys sound like slaves hahahahahaha

    and yes i am laughing my a** of hahahahaha

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