
Christians, what do you make of this? note: document may be incomplete due to lenth. ?

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Why I Am An Atheist.

As an atheist my view on religion may not be something will like to read, this is a document I typed up on my computer and have saved on my hard drive so that I can copy and paste it to yahoo answers for questions about religion. In this document I addresse all relevant points I commonly get debated on.

The concept and beliefs of religion are laughable to me, and i consider anyone gullible enough to believe in it beneath me. This is why...

Religion is a large problem in the world, they have distorted morals and change there interpretation to suit the argument, religious people have no interest in having a serious debate, all they want to do is prove there point at any cost. Religion is a simple but effective tool, the reason religion was started was to seek power and control over the masses, the way it works is when a religion has enough followers they start to have control... when enough people believe in one particular religion, it then gives this religion a chance to challenge the government and they can start to try to push there ideas and morality on to others by affecting laws and policys.

The reason most atheists hate religion is because it is apparent to us just how stupid it is. If you are wondering what the bible sounds like to an atheist... it is something like this:

In the beginning there was nothing, then go made the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th, he needed a rest because making planets is hard work, and you cant help but feel sorry for him considering how many planets there is in the universe. After god made the earth he then gathered some mud and made a mud man, after he had made the mud man he ripped out one of its ribs and made a mud woman from it, after he made the mud people he named them, one called Adam and one called Eve, he then made a garden paradise for them and told them they can do anything they wanted to except eat apples from one special tree, however a snake convinced them to eat the apple... when god found out he banished them from paradise and left and angel to guard it so they could not get back in, this some how insinuating that there is still a paradise some place on earth today guarded by this angel. Strange that we have not found it, after the mud man and mud woman were banished from paradise they had children. One called Cain and one called Able, Cain killed able bucease his offer to god of fruits was not good enough but Cains offer of a helpless lamb was accepted, so after Cain bashes his brothers brains in god finds out and gets pissed off so he banished Cain (even more banished that Adam and Eve)... so Cain goes off and comes acros a magic town that appeared from no ware. He finds a wife and has some kids, WOW! god is really evil, if you eat fruit he will make you ashamed of your ball sack and will turn all the animals in to cannibals but if you bash your brothers brains in you get sent to a magic town that appeared from no ware to have s*x and find a wife.

After some time had passed people started to say s***w god, we dont need god... so god decided humans are a bad idea and sends a flood to kill everyone except this old guy and his wife on a boat and all the animales they had collected, Noah could do this cause he is super special and he can build a boat at the same time that he travels the planet to get penguins, koalas, elephants and all the others of millions of types of animals that there is.

Here are some questions...

If Adam is black and Eve is White, ware do oriental people and arabs come from?

If Adam is white and Eve is oriental, ware do blacks and arabs come from?

Religion is bad, religion is the cause of most war, all the science and evidence in the world proves that there is no god and that the bilble is false. If there was a giant world wide flood we would be able to see evidence of it in the layers of the ground, we have DNA and evolution as well as many other facts... now I know what most religious people will say. Evolution is only a theory, but it is a scientific theory. There is also a thing called the theory of gravity, but things still fall to the ground when you drop them. There is germ theory, but people still get sick. And there is the theory of electromagnetism, but magnets still attract. A scientific theory is not a guess. The theory of gravity is a theory and a fact.

Religion is detrimental to our progress as a race and is generally damaging to truth, reason and logic. Putting aside evidense and proof in favour of mythology and stupid storys that not even a half inteligent child would believe.

In 100 years or less technology will progress to the point ware weapons of mass destruction are easy to acure for an individual, we will have the technology and the resources to do this. If stupid people that are willing to fly in to buildings because they have been promised a load of virgins to s***w in heaven still exist in 100 years time the world will be a very dangerous place to




  1. I believe this could interest you:

    Why I Am Not an Atheist? - by Ravi Zacharias

    part 1:

    part 2:

    part 3:

    part 4:

  2. Well I don't consider myself a Christian, more so a believer of God and I understand why you feel that way but what is your purpose here? To convince someone to change their religion? Good luck. Many Christians do not argue with atheist because it is pointless. Agree to disagree. You have your reasons not to believe while others have a reason to believe in something. Whether it has been a situation in their lives that caused them to believe in something greater. An out of body experience that happened when they almost died. A spiritual image they have seen in their home, etc. Whatever the case they have their reasons.Believing in a religion is great to me. You believe in something. Even being an atheist, you believe is something. Say what you want about it, as long as the religion does not hurt people. It allows you believe in something. It creates a form of social order b/c people who are looking for guidance find some form of it through religion. I could imagine a world w/o religion. It would be hectic and lost souls who need meditation and guidance would lash out in violence. Their are so many things on this planet that we do not understand, I am happy that everyone doesn't believe in the same thing. That would make life mundane. That's nice that that's how you interpret the Bible but for me, I will believe in God :)

  3. Gee you seem open minded and very inteligent.

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