
Christians, what do you think about the priest who burned himself to death in protest to the spread of Islam?

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A retired priest committed suicide by setting himself on fire in a German monastery in protest at the spread of Islam and the Protestant Church’s inability to contain it.




  1. To be honest, I think that's taking it a bit far.  That is suicide and it goes against what God wants us to do.  Being a martyr means dying at the hands of another because of your belief, not killing yourself.  Besides, how is he going to change anything if he's dead? If he had remained alive, and attempted to convert people to Christianity, and was persecuted against and killed for his beliefs, that would be one thing.  But to burn yourself? No, that's too far.  Hope this helped.  

  2. He make a choice of protest

  3. goodness me

    I better not let my ex-pastor know that I'm a Muslim now. But in seriousness, he might have been a tad insanse. Quite sad that he thought he had to take his own life to make a statement, but so of our tad insane brothers think its okay to do the smae thing, sad huh


  4. I think he was mentally off and not thinking clearly. How sad!

    Now some of you will claim we are all idiots like this, and I am sure a few will give the answer that they wish all Christians would kill themselves so that there would not be any of us. Some of you hate us just that much.  That, too, is sad.

  5. I guess you have to test us in your quest to annihilate us.  First off, there was never supposed to be ANY divisions in the church.  That's why so many so-called christians have such a distorted belief system.  Man keeps adding stipulations and traditions to what Jesus originally taught.  There is only one True Church, and it is made up of the followers of Jesus that act accoridngly to what He taught in the Four Gospels. Nothing added, Nothing taken away.  This priest you speak of, if it actually happened, was lead by a spirit alright (not the Holy Spirit) and unless he repented before he gave up the ghost, he might as well get used to the flames.

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